Chapter Forty-One

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November 9th, 2019


Previously on MMTD:

    "Good Morning, I am Queen Sheila of the Dragon Kingdom."

    "Many of you have come to discover that this world is not kind nor good all of the times." I splayed out one hand, chin raised. "Though one must understand that without evil there will be no recognition of good."

    I looked from one side of the army to the other, "as I look out to you all, I see the good in the world. The good that will fight against the evil to protect your world, your kingdoms, and your families, from the wrath of Kolgrim."

    "As all has heard, Kolgrim spares none in his trail of destruction," I swallowed, I should have prepared this speech in advance. Curse my mate for not warning me. "Which sets fear of the unknown into the hearts of all, who will be next, when will it be, who will be there to protect us?" I smiled, opening my arms out to them.

    "I'm looking at the answer to all those dreaded thoughts that your families have been wondering. Who will be next, they wonder, nobody due to you and your brothers and sisters in arms beside you. When will it be? Never again, for we have power, so much power that there will be no room for evil when we are through with it."

    "There is evil in this world, yes. Though you are the single greatest force that will bring evil to its knees." I rested my hands at my side, bowed my head respectfully to them all, and stepped in line.

    It was silent at first. It made me break out in a cold sweat. Then it started.

    First is was my army, the Dragon Kingdom section that erupted in cheers, blessing my name in their chants. Then it was the elves, followed by the rest, and then finally, the werewolves, cheered for me.

    I fiddled with my hands behind me, did I really deserve this? Did all rulers revive this praise when they do their first address?

    Azai has to settle the crowd once more and continue with his speech. The generals stepped back two steps to where they joined the rest of the kings. I haven't been able to look at my mate, I hope I hadn't done anything wrong, said anything weird.

    My anxieties that I had slowly broken down over the months were slowly forming up again. Then I felt a hand on my lower back, I glanced up turning my head subtly, he had a smile on his face, his bright eyes looking into the crowd.

    Your words brought tears to my eyes, He joked, his laugh filling my head, I elbowed him hard.

     Stop, I'm worried about what I've said. Was I too weird? My shoulders slumped slightly.

    I don't think that the entire army would have cheered if it was too weird. I have never received that sort of treatment in my life. He looked down at me, his smile still plastered on his face, you said it better than anyone on this stage could have. I'm proud of you.

    He was proud of me. Butterflies flew in my stomach, I knew that it was only four words, but that was coming from my mate, I felt so relived. I knew I had done something right.

    I stared into the crowd with a smile on my face for the rest of the speech.

   It was finally over, we walked up to our personal office that had been assigned to us when we had arrived weeks ago. I kicked off my heels and slumped up my armor, I let out a groan as I slumped into the couch to the side of the desk. "I thought my spine was going to snap in two, due to all that standing with my shoulder squared."

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