Chapter Thirty-Four

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October 30th, 2019


I woke up with a gasp. Water choked out from my throat. I held my neck as I turned over and coughed out with a gasp.

"Oh she's awake," a sing-song voice hummed from behind me. Then I heard the sounds of slithering getting closer.

I held myself up, my arms shaking from fatigue under me. I looked up to see the woman and two other females behind her.

They had different color tails, and red eyes. I chill snaked down my spine. "Are you," I choked on air, coughing out what seemed to be my left lung. "Why did you guys bring me here."

They narrowed their eyes. One clicked their teeth together making a chomping sound. My alert was locked on.

"Are you the merfolk." Mermaids were always in fairy tales, I hadn't known they actually existed.

They let out a crackled laugh, my face was still so pale from the dream I just witnessed. My mate, I needed to see my mate.

"Us?!" An insane laugh as the one who captured me pointed a finger to her two colleges. "Oh no, oh no, oh no," another crackling laugh. "We are nothing like mermaids," she slithered closer, using her arms to pull her way towards me.

"We," she put the back of her slimy hand to the back of my face. She smelled like rotten fish. That bile was starting to rise in my throat. "Are sirens," she clicked her teeth right next to my ear. Another shiver went straight down my spine.

She cackled and leaned back. "Stop giving her a hard time." Groaned the other one, pushing the kidnapper away.

    "But she took something from us," she squished my cheeks I had had enough, I slapped her hand away from my face.

   She pursed her lips together, clearly displeased with my actions. "She did take something from us. I think it's fair we give her a hard time."

    "I took something from you?" I gasped, "I'll give it back. I just need to go, right now." I said standing up.

    "I wouldn't do that—" but before I could listen to her, my head was enveloped with water. I ducked back down, down to the air.

    I gasped in air. I heard their cackles. "I bet that woke you up." The one that hadn't talked started. I rolled my eyes, but then I looked up, it still looked like a normal cave.

I raised a hand and I saw the water ripple as I touched it. It was like an invisible wall was holding the water up. "What in the—"

"If you think that magic is brilliant. You are in for a ride." The nice one said with a nice smile. There were three, the green haired one, probably died by spending too much time in the water, also known as the siren that kidnapped me.

Then there was the red head, the "nice" one. The one that was most bearable in the least. Then there was the black haired one. The one that didn't talk much. All of them had hideous blood shot eyes from the water, and gills that covered both sides of their neck.

I started to shiver, it was cold under here. I wanted to shift into my wolf form so I could at least be warm. "You were telling me I stole something from you."

Cackles, "oh yes, yes you did." The green haired one clapped her hands together, "and now you owe us."

"What did I take for me to owe you. I don't remember taking anything." I wanted to strangle her. Then shake her to shut up.

"You took our vision." The red head pushed the green haired one out of the way so that she could face me head on. I shuffled backwards, putting space between us.

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