Infinity War-1: Chapter 8

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Gwen's POV

Gwen and Peter were sitting next to each other on the school bus, with MJ and Ned In front of them them. It was Friday and they were on their way to the new Wakandan Embassy. The bus driver was new, Peter had said that the man had looked familiar, Gwen also swore she had seen him before. 

Peter then sat up straight and looked out the window, Gwen felt it too, the tickling at the back of her head, the familiar sensation that was her spider-sense, looking out the window, she saw a huge ring-like spaceship lowering down on part of the city. 

Peter nodded to Gwen and started Tapping at Ned, MJ looked up and saw the space-ship, and her eyes widened, Peter and Gwen had told her their spider-themed secret recently, she had been getting too suspicious. 

Ned suddenly sprang up and started running to the back of the bus screaming "We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!" Students all crowded towards the back of the bus, the bus driver said something about 'kids' and 'never seen a space ship' but Gwen wasn't paying attention.

Peter reached into his bag and grabbed his mask and put it on, then he grabbed his web-shooters, tossing them onto his arms saw them activate and wrap around his wrists. Gwen followed suit. Peter opened the emergency escape and lept out, Gwen jumped out right after him. 

While swinging Gwen began pulling off her clothes, Peter and herself had taken to wearing their suits under their clothes at all times, with crime picking up more and more. Shoving the last of her clothes into her back-pack. Gwen turned to Peter now in his full suit, Gwen pulled on her gloves and zipped down the roads, building by building. 

Their attention was caught by a large explosion Peter dived in just in time to stop an alien from pummeling Mr. Stark with a giant war hammer, 'was that a new suit?' Stark seemed to have a more advanced suit every day. 

"What's up with this dude Mr. Stark? Peter asked as he flung a heavy object towards a giant creature. 

"Um, he's from space, and he came to steal a necklace from a wizard." Weirdest Explanation ever.  

Peter, Gwen, and Tony continued fighting the alien, Mr. Stark using what looked like nano-tech to make different shields and energy weapons. A red and blue figure went right under Peter, Tony  ordered "Kid that's the wizard, get on it." Peter yelled confirmation and chased after 'the wizard'.

Gwen landed some good hits, but was eventually knocked to the ground, Peter's voice came up over the coms, "Um, Mr. Stark, Gwen? I'm being beamed up!" 

"Hang on kid I-" Iron Man was hit by the large war-hammer, a metal binder shooting out and wrapping around his upper body. The alien brought out a hidden blade and was about to stab him when an orange portal thing opened up out of nowhere and closed leaving just the alien's hand in the park. 

Tony broke out of the binders and turned towards another wizard who had opened the portal. 

"Wong you're invited to my wedding!" and he blasted off. Gwen gave 'Wong' a salute and webbed onto Iron Man's feet hitching a ride. 

Tony noticed Gwen on his feet and grabbed the web, flinging her close two the alien ship Gwen grabbed on, Peter was next to her talking about how it was getting hard to breath. She noticed it was for her as well. 

Stark's voice came over the intercoms, "FRIDAY, unlock and launch pods 17-a and 17-b" Two pods were launched in Gwen and Peter's direction. Peter and Gwen both slipped and fell off of their positions. 

Gwen felt something slam into her back, an almost watery like substance seemed to cover her, and she could breathe again. 

Peter and Gwen slammed into the side of the ship before lacking onto its hull, "Mr. Stark it smells like a new car in here!" Peter exclaimed. 

|A Spider's Tale|On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara