L'uomo del Misterio: Chapter 30

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Alright, so I'm finally back in the game! I really am sorry for how long the wait was, but now I think my life is in order (at least slightly) and I can begin writing again. I'm going to try to keep my writing load small so that I can put out more chapters faster. So unlike last time, I am only working on one story at a time. 

Lucky for all of you. The first story I'm working on is... *drumroll* THIS ONE!!!! Yay!

So without further ado, here we go!


Gwen and Peter sat in their hotel room, they were all unpacked and ready for bed. 

"So," Gwen said, "What do you make of this fishbowl guy?" 

Peter chuckled, "I don't know. We really don't know much about him. I do want to know what that suit is made of though" 

"Why, want to become the fishbowl spider?" Gwen laughed. 

"What! No, I wouldn't be caught dead in a fishbowl. The suit just took those hits really well, and look decently flexible. You never know what the next best suit material is." 

Suddenly the door opened, and Ned came in. 

"Hey, oh...sorry I can come back" 

"Oh, you're fine, Pete and I were just getting ready for bed" 

"That is gonna take some getting used to...anyway, I packed Empire... and the rest of the trilogy, wanna binge?" 

Peter immediately jumped up. "Star Wars marathon! Oh, yeah!" 

Gwen shook her head. Pete may be grown up, but he was still a dork... her dork. 

"Alright MJ has a CD player in her room, so we were gonna watch it-" A dart hit Ned in the neck and he fell onto the couch.

"You know, under different circumstances, I would have joined you...love Windu" 

A shocked Peter and Gwen turned to a dark corner of the room as a figure stepped out of the shadows. 

Nick Fury. 

"You... You just shot Ned," a shocked Peter just pointed out. 

"Yes" Fury looked at Ned, "It seems I have." 

Gwen quickly recollected her thoughts "How long have you been there?" 

" I slipped in a few minutes ago. You two are hard to get a hold of." 

Gwen got angry. "Hard to get a hold of?! How does that warrant shooting Ned?" 

Fury sighed, "It's just a mild tranquilizer, he'll be fine" 

"What do you mean by hard to get a hold of? I've had my phone on me the whole time," Peter asked. 

"Well, I called several times a few hours ago. Neither of you picked up, so I decided to come in person" 

|A Spider's Tale|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin