We're our own Team: Chapter 20

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Alright, I'm hoping to get some action in his chapter, let's go!

Peter POV 

Gwen and I were in the 'Spider's Nest'.  While Tony was annoying he sure knew how to make a superhero command center. 

All their suit designs were there, and the tech they had available had them making upgrades upon upgrade, to either their usuals suits or making new ones. 

Chase had been a great help, when he wasn't flirting with Karen (which was weird) he helped them with schematics and building complex programs, he also had helped them figure out how all the new tech worked, he was cool.

"Mr. Parker, the Terrorist group known as the Wings of Fate have entered the Stark Tower, Tony is out of town with his family" 

"Got it, Gwen!?" 

"Yeah, I heard it" 

Gwen and Peter run and grab their armored suits, the suits were exactly like their usual ones, they just had some armored plating sewn into them. 

"Chase monitor radio signals and communications, send a message to Mr. Stark on the situation, and keep us informed, Karen you'll be with us as usual" 

"Got it, Peter, activating armed threat protocols" 

Gwen and Peter lept out of a window, Karen began to give directions.

"The fastest way to the tower is down that street, estimated time of arrival, 6 minutes" 

"Alright Karen, Peter let's go!" 

Gwen slung up into the air and quickly zipped towards the tower, Peter shot two weblines at two nearby buildings, and using them like a slingshot, shot himself towards his destination.

Chase came over their coms, "First responders are 15 minutes away from the tower, SWAT team as well, should I notify them that you are inbound?" 

"Yeah, do that, where are the Wing's right now?" 

"They are mostly towards the top of the tower, a few are station in the lobby, they seem to be trying to broadcast a signal, bob threats are detected on every other level" 

Gwen spoke up "Activate the inbuilt security bots. Karen? Activate our 'Friendly' beacon we don't want to get shot by our own security." 

"Got it" 

Peter and Gwen were now at the tower. Quickly they pulled the guards who were outside the doors up and webbed them to the wall and knocking them unconscious.  

"Security has dealt with the Terrorists in the lobby, and are combing the building, controlled EMP will be launched throughout the building in 30 seconds, EMP shield activation is recommended" 

"Alright activate it, Gwen, ready to race to the top?" 

"Oh your on!" Peter and Gwen had recently found that though it completely disobeyed the laws of physics and spit in gravities face. With enough effort, they could just sprint up buildings, it was fun.  

To the surprise of the onlookers, Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider stood up on the wall, got in a runner's crouch, and began running up the building. 

Now the Stark Tower was tall, but with Spider powers, Gwen and Peter could hit around 70-80 mph whilst running, so it didn't take long to reach the top.

Once they were at the very top, Peter shot a web at the top of the tower, did a backflip over the side of the building, and then making use of the towers 'upside-down L' shape, swung right down and through one of the buildings many windows, Gwen then calmly walked through the hole. 

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