Oh look it's Aquaman! : Chapter 29

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Alright sorry for the late update...

Okay, where were we...OH! Yeah, a water monster was eating Venice.

3rd Person.

As soon as she saw the water elemental, Gwen yells at Ned and MJ to leave, which they do, dragging an extremely scared and confused Betty behind them.

The rest of the students don't really need an urging to run, except Flash, who just stood there staring at the towering water creature. 

"OH MY GOD," Gwen yelled in anger, "Flash if you don't run right now you're going to have a much bigger problem on your hands than that water thing!" 

Flash's eyes bugged out in terror and he ran, silently screaming away. 

Gwen then turned to Peter, who was still slack-jawed at the monster.

"Peter, we gotta go!"

"But-what? What just...How did? I just said..." 

"Peter honey, we have to go!" 

Peter eventually nodded, his sense returning, "Yeah, we should suit up, WAIT...HONEY!??" 

"What!?" Gwen called as they began to run towards a hidden alcove. 

"You just called me honey." 


"You've never done that before." 

"Oh shut up" 

Reaching the alcove, Gwen and putting pulled off their backpacks, and dumped them out, then after putting the empty backpacks on, pulled two strings that were on the Backpack straps, forcing the backpack tightly to their bodies.

Then they both pushed a button that was on both backpacks. 

The backpack seemed to expand as flaps of what seemed to be fabric pushed off of its surface and began wrapping onto them. Some small metal rods also came down, forming themselves in key areas like their joints and neck. 

These were their new compact suits. It used the new nanite technology they had been developing as a way to be stored mostly inconspicuously. 

The nanites were coated in an interlocking cloth-kevlar hybrid, the cloth was a combination of some sort of spandex and breathable cloth to increase maneuverability. 

This let the suits still feel and look like fabric, but still, be able to take more damage before tearing. 

The suits color schemes were the exact same as their usual suits, but both had a slight blue glow terminating from the lenses of their mask. 

After their suites were fully on, the two sprung into action. 

"Karen I need you to scan that monster! Chase, I need you to notify the authorities and first-responders, there are still people out there!" 

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