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Raven and the boys had gone down for coffee at the café across from the icecream parlour,  Raven was currently 15 and a half weeks pregnant with twins. She would be able to find out the genders in just a few days, and she was getting a healthy pregnant glow about her now.

"We've been having alot of attention from record companies lately." Slash said, dipping his plastic spoon into his cup.

"Oh yeah?" Raven replied

"Yeah, hey what about that Kim Fowley idiot?" Izzy said,

"You know what the idiot did? He invited me round and there was two chicks like nineteen years old... old enough to be his daughters, and they were doing lines with him in the bathroom and sucking him off!" Slash told them, grimacing.

"Man! He can fuck off! That deal he tried to get us to sign was practically voluntary servitude." Duff said, Raven giggled.

"They're circling us like buzzards!" Steven smirked, sipping his coffee.

Izzy drank some, then touched his top lip. Probably checking that there was no foam there.

Duff pulled a metal flask out of his pocket and poured a clear liquid into his coffee. Raven knew for sure that it wasn't water.

"They can get fucked. Their deals are bullshit." Axl stirred his coffee absent mindedly,

Raven drank another gulp of coffee.

Three days later...

Raven had her appointment today, and when she arrived, having been picked up by Duff, all of the boys were waiting there for her exept for Izzy.

"Where's Izzy?" She asked, beginning to worry. Everyone shrugged and mumbled that they didn't know where he was.

They went into the surgery, knowing that if they waited too long outside, they might miss the appointment. Raven fidgeted nervously as she sat on the cushioned lounge seat. Duff sat next to her, rubbing her back reassuringly.

"Raven Cassel." Came the call, and Raven got to her feet, frowning.

She hesitated for a second, then followed the doctor through to the room.

"Hullo, are we missing someone today?" Asked the doctor.

"Um... yeah. Not sure where he's gotten to." Duff explained while Raven clenched her jaw. She worried; what if something happened to him? What if he didn't turn up?

All of a sudden, in through the door burst Izzy. His hair was awry and his expression panicky and apologetic.

"Did I miss anything?!" He exclaimed,

"No, we haven't started yet." The doctor told him.

"Oh thank god!" He grinned in a relieved way.

"Why are you late? You made me worry?!" Raven questioned him,

"I forgot it was today, but I'm here now, so don't worry!" He said.

The doctor did a general checkup, and checked the babies' and her hearts, then said

"Okay, Raven, looks like you're doing well. Let's see about these babies..."

The doctor went and found pillows and got out the ultrasound machine, then made her lie down with the pillows propping her up, just like last time.

"Okay, so just now, they're developing eyesight, their heart and circulatory system are getting going, and their hearing is starting to develop." The doctor said as they spread the gel over her ever growing bump. The doctor placed the device against her belly,  and everyone focussed on the screen. Raven's heart rate picked up in excitement, and she watched as the doctor swivelled the ultrasound device over her skin. They were looking much more like babies now, but their heads were too big. The baby on the top was a boy, and as the doctor moved the machine to the side of her baby bump, they could all see the other was a girl. Raven grinned.

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