The Game

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It had been two years since Raven had landed in Slash's world, and in that time she had settled into her family life and grown ever closer to Slash. That kiss never did go any farther. Raven looked across the room towards the curly head bouncing around near the stereo. They were at yet another one of her father's perpetual parties. He threw them often and they were always big.

Slash was socialising over near the stereo and the food tables. Some blondie walked up and started talking and laughing with him, draping an arm around his shoulders. Slash shrugged her off him and shook his head, laughing at her. She seemed put out, but Slash looked around the room to see Raven standing by herself in her leather pants and band tee.

"Hey there, Rae!" He had come up with the nickname a few months after meeting her, and it had stuck.


"Why are you all by yourself over here?" He stepped closer and she could see the shirt he wore. It was rather inappropriate; it read 'I'm loving it' and a silhouetted pair of yellow lady legs above it spelled the mcdonalds 'M'.

Raven smirked at the shirt.

"Like what you see?" He grinned. Raven knew he was joking. He was honestly more like a brother to her then anything else. Raven grabbed his hand and dragged him into the crowd.

"What are you doing?" Slash chuckled,

"Dance with me!" She grinned. The eighteen year old boy hesitated.

"Oh alright,  you are so  lucky I love you!" He said. Raven smiled.

'Numb' by pink floyd came on, it wasn't her favourite jam or her favourite band, but it was alright, and she was sort of in the mood. She twirled around slowly with Slash, staring into his deep brown eyes, wondering what they might have been like had they started dating. She quickly pushed the thought to the back of her mind. No point in dwelling on 'what ifs'. Slash raised his hand with hers in it so she could twirl, which she did.

Before she knew it the song was over, and Steve came bouncing out of nowhere.

"Guys, c'mon!" He shouted, grabbing both of their shirts and dragging them off to the garage.

As they entered they spotted Matt sitting on the floor with some blonde chick. 

Steven plonked down next to Matt and Slash and Raven pursued him to the floor. They sat in a circle, and in the middle was an empty glass coke bottle.

Steven leaned forward without prompt or explanation and set it spinning, in their games the person who span the bottle chose whether it would be a question or a dare. It turned thrice, and then the mouth of it pointed surely in Slash's direction.

"So Slash, do you like  Raven?" Slash wore a fixed smirk, he was so hard to read.

"She's rather good friend of mine." He spoke up. His smirk grew wider.

"No but do you have a crush-" Steven began, only to be cut short. Slash held up one finger.

"One question." He mouthed smoothly. He then leaned forward and set the bottle in motion again. This time it spun to Matt.

"Kiss her." Slash pointed at the blonde without hesitation.  Matt smiled and they kissed for about three seconds. Matt spun the bottle, it landed on Raven.

"You have to hold Slash's hand 'til the end of the game. Grudgingly,  she reached out to Slash. He took her hand, kissed it, and whispered

"Mi amor". Then, not being able to hold it in any longer he let out a snort and cackled madly. Raven laughed at his snort, and soon enough everyone was cracking up.

Raven allowed everyone to calm, then leaned forward and spun the bottle, it landed on Steven.

"Kiss her." She pointed at the blonde in much the same fashion Slash had done.

"But she has Matt cooties!"

"Steven, you're eighteen!" Raven chuckled. Steven grimaced and leaned in for a quick peck on the lips from the blonde.

Steven leaned forward and spun it, it landed on the blonde girl, who smiled slightly in expectation. 

"Kiss her!" Steven imitated Slash and Raven, pointing directly at Raven.

"What?!" Both girls gaped in disbelief. They looked at each other, then back to a smirking Steven.

They leaned in for the unavoidable revenge kiss. Slash wolf whistled as they made contact, then they pulled back quickly and rubbed their lips in disgust.

Steven laughed, and the blonde leaned forward and spun the bottle. It pointed at Matt, and she said

"Save me!"

Everyone laughed, then the blonde added,

"Will you come dance with me?"

"Yeah!" Matt smirked. They both rose and stalked away. "Ah well." Steven said, and leaned back on his palm.

"We don't need them, c'mon, I'm thirsty!" Slash said, and the trio headed for the lounge room where the food table was.

There was a mass of people still boucing around on the dance floor, and the stereo was blaring some random disco beat for them all to dance to.

By the time two hours had passed, the stereo was turned down low, people were passed out all over the floors, there were drink spills, empty plastic cups and party mess littered around them. The other guests who had been concious at the end of the night had all left. Matt was passed out side by side with the blonde from before, and Steven was asleep a little way from them.

Raven, however, awoke in her own comfy bed a few hours later, and upon sitting up and rubbing her eyes, discovered Slash passed out across the floor with her cat on his chest. He snored very quietly, and his hair was away from his face for once. He wore a peaceful expression. Raven smiled at the sight and got up, slipping on her pants from last night, which she found on the floor at the end of her bed, and went downstairs to assess the damage.

She made herself breakfast, which was just toast and jam. It had been a long night the night before, and she had a headache, so she took some pain killers and sat at the kitchen table, waiting for people to start waking up, and pondering where her life had taken her in just two years.

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