Party at Griffith Park

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It was only a week later that Slash, Steven and Raven found themselves riding a chartered bus to a big party in Griffith park with a ton of other people. They had taken the bus from Hyatt on Sunset and were going to the park to have a massive party.

The bus was full of local characters and musicians, and joints and bottles were being passed back and forth while everyone sat about chattering.

Raven had her own alcohol, which she was undoubtedly chugging down relentlessly, because Slash kept on looking over at her and telling her she was too responsible, and not fun enough. He was smirking every time, teasing and goading her into drunkenness. By the time they arrived at Griffith Park, she was 'slashed'. Her bottle was empty now and she was vaguely aware of losing grip on the neck and dropping it as they hustled down the corridor to the doors.

In her drunken state, she was flirting with every guy at the park, and most of them were quite responsive. 

One guy in particular, who had long, dark curly hair in tight ringlets, alot like Slash's without it covering his face, and dark eyes, caught her attention.

"Heyyy!" Raven giggled, walking up to him. "Aren't you sexy?" The guy responded by grabbing at her ass and saying,

"What's your  name, pretty?"

"Raven." She smiled,

"I'm Al, but call me 'baby'!" He introduced himself. "What say you, i take you back to the place i'm staying at?" He said seductively. The drunken Raven declared,

"I can deal with that!"

"Oi! Johnny, come over here!" He bellowed. Seemingly out of nowhere,  there was a guy with red hair standing beside them on the grass. "let's take this peice of arse back to your's!" Al grinned, slapping her butt and causing her to giggle,

"Yeah, man!!!" Johnny cheered.

Although both of the guys were clearly attracted to her, they didn't seem to mind sharing.  Johnny said suddenly,

"You two should make out!" And Al leaned in and began to pash her. People in the vicinity cheered them on. they walked to his house down the lonely back alleys with her arms around both of them, and their hands on her arse.  Johnny, after a few minutes of silent, drunken stumbling, said, 

"When we get to my place, we're going to do dirty things to you."  Both of them took turns kissing her the rest of the way there. 

When they finally got there,  Johnny started digging around for some food.  Al, on the other hand, didn't waste any time.  He took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom, where he immediately threw her onto the bed, laid on top of her and started kissing her.  A few minutes later, Johnny came in just in time to see Al pulling off her pants.  Much to Raven's relief,  Johnny didn't decide to join, but shut the door.  Eventually other people showed up at the house, on Johnny's invitation, and they got walked in on two more times.  Raven just giggled and told them to leave her and Al alone.  Before she knew what was going on, he had her clothes off and was having sex with her. She was too drunk to even respond to it. Raven just laid there and took it. When it was finally over, they walked out of the room to see that everyone had left but Johnny, who lived there.  He didn't seem terribly disappointed that he got no action, he just smirked and said

"Had fun then?" Raven was pretty tired by that point in time,

"I'm goin' home." She told them, then began to trek her drunk way through L.A.

On her way, the reality of what she'd just done hit her, and she barely made it there. All she knew was at that moment, she needed to find the guys. She needed somebody she knew well to be there for her.  She opened the front door to find all of them in the lounge room talking and drinking. By this time,  she was so choked up trying not to cry, she could barely talk.  Raven mumbled,

"I just lost my virginity" which seemed to hit home for the five men before her. They all gawked and stared in disbeleif at the sad, drunk mess that was Raven Cassel. Izzy and Slash leapt up immeadiately to help her walk up to her bedroom.  Halfway up the stairs, she burst into tears.  she'd just had sex with a guy she knew nothing about.  She wasn't even that attracted to him. 

she felt so worthless and stupid.

"It wasn't your fault, Raven. Nobody is gonna judge you for what happened!" Slash said, propping her up.

"But- I didn't  want this. I wanted to save it for someone special.  A guy I'd have some kind of future with, rather then some drunk." She sobbed.

"Virginity is a special subject, but just cause you've had sex once, doesn't mean you should beat yourself up over it. It wasn't even sex, it was just a drunken mistake." Izzy said, reassuring her.

"It's not the same!" She turned and cried on Izzy's shoulder. He rubbed her back soothingly. Slash grabbed her hand and said,

"It doesn't really count, Rae!" She turned around and stared at him,

"R-really?" He smiled reassuringly and nodded his head. Raven sniffled.

"Yeah, really!" Izzy said from behind her, placing a hand on her hip and turning her around. He put a hand against her cheek and wiped away a tear that was about to fall, smiling gently, which was a shocker because he rarely smiled at all. She managed a weak smile back.

Slash stepped around so that she could look at both of them. He grabbed her hand again, rubbing little circles on her skin.

"We're always here for you, Rae!" Izzy smiled at her.

"Always." Slash whispered.

"Thanks so much!" She jumped on them both, one arm around each of them. "You guys are the best!" She cheered.

"You should sleep." Slash replied, still with a smile as she pulled away.

"Alright." She smiled gently and trotted upstairs to bed. A minute later, she was tucked under the covers when Steven, Duff and Axl came up to see if she was okay.

"Hey, Raven." Axl greeted,

"Hey guys." She smiled weakly,

"You okay?" Steven asked, she nodded, so he came forth and gave her a hug.

"Goodnight!" He said

"Night!" She smiled, and he left, Axl came forth, gave her a kiss on the cheek and said goodnight too before leaving, then Duff stepped up.

"Goodnight Rae rae!" He grinned, his fluffy mop of white blonde hair tickling her cheek as he leaned in for a hug.

"Nighty night. Thankyou so much for coming up to see if I was okay, it means alot!" She told him.

"Anything to see your gorgeous smile, Raven!" He grinned at her, kissed her on the forehead and exited, quietly closing the door after him.

Raven rolled over and dozed off to a peaceful sleep.

Hey hope you loved it! So who do you guys reckon she'll date in the end? Please vote, comment and have fun!!! Xx

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