Chapter 3 Murdock

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Fuck! This isn't him. Helping people, he tortures and kills people. He especially cannot stand women. Whores, the bunch of them!!
He pulls up to the address, the lady comes down the stairs to the road on a crutch. Her leg has a cast and so does one of her wrists.  She said she is staying with her in laws. He gets off his bike and hands her the phone without looking at her. He goes to walk away but she grabs his arm " thank you for stopping, you saved my unborn babies life" he stops to look at her belly. Holy she is huge! He's furious!
"where the fuck was your husband?! With a belly that large he should have driven you. What the fuck were you doing out so late by yourself?!"
A tear falls down her face and he wipes it off with his finger., "sorry" he says
" my husband was killed 7 months ago. I was just on my way home from work" her son runs out and she turns but her crutch slips on the ice and she is falling. He catches her and lifts her up.
"hey, little man follow me. We need to get your mom inside" he carries her to the door and opens it for her, then goes back to his bike. He waits until she is inside then rides off.
Murdock is in his room confused. He hasn't touched anyone for years, besides torturing and killing. Urgh! He has got to stay away from her, he actually had emotions around her. He tries to forget about her by torturing and killing people more. His demon has taken over again.

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