Chapter 9

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Her car is finished, no fixing it. Selena gets tears in her eyes. Steve the mechanic sees them and offers an old nova he has in the back lot. It's all fixed up, he just prefers his bike.
Selena accepts the car,just until she gets money for a new one.  They sign a rental agreement and she is back on the road. She will call the movers and antique sellers when she gets home.
As she leaves, Steve is flabbergasted. Murdock hates women with a passion. What is going on?!!!! he wonders. He smirks when Murdock back is turned,watching Selena leave.
Murdock turns around and slams $25,000 on the desk. "that will cover the nova? It's restored right? Won't break down?"
" nope it's in tip-top shape. She's a sweet kid, 25 will be good. Why are you doing this murd? You hate people, yet here you are driving a woman and kids around, and buying her a car"
"I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm a trained killer and I hate damn near everyone. But those damn kids and woman! I just feel like I need them and they need me. They aren't afraid of me, never were. I'm a beast with a scar across my face. I'm disfigured yet they all look at me like  I hung the moon" he shakes his head and looks at old Steve. " this our secret, eh?"
"of course, but I think you and that little lady need to chat.  You be truthful with her about what you do. OK not all the details. Let her know you are in an MC and you are not innocent. But you let her know you care for them all and would kill for them."
Murdock nods, thanks Steve and leaves back to his cabin. Poor dogs have been cooped up all day in his truck and in Selena garage, they need a run in the bush. 

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