Chapter 12

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Selena and the kids have been living in the cabin for 6 months now. The whole MC loves her and her kids. The kids love everyone. Lacey met Lacie the baby and was honored she was named after her. Murdock and Selena are still just friends but they both feel things for the other just too scared to admit it. Everyone who sees them together in a room know they are like eachother. Murdock seeks her and the kids out in a room first every time.
Selenas in laws have sold her husband's company and the house finally. Selena wouldn't take just any offer. The clubs tech guy/lawyer, Myles offered to help her. The buyer and them went back and forth for months. Myles loves Selena like a sister and wasn't letting anyone take advantage. Papers were all signed and money transferred into a new bank account.
Now was the first time she was looking for a house. Murdock was looking with her. Lots of nice houses, nothing was quite right for them. Murdock wants the close to him. He finally after the last dud of a house pulls over and looks at Selena. " listen. Hon, I don't know how to say this" she is getting worried. " I have never liked people, but I feel something for you and those kids" she blushes and has the biggest smile on her face. " I have feeling for you babe, I know this is fast but how about we try to date? You and the kids can move in with me, and see how you feel. If we don't work, we can build you a house?"
Selena is shocked. So fast! "OK. Ide like that. I like you too, have for a long time" she blushes " let's do this" he reaches over unbuckles her,grabs her hand and pulls her closer. " buckle up babe, we have to tell the kids"
The drive back is silent, they are both grinning and thinking. " oh by the way I kept all your furniture from your old house" her jaw drops. " I told you I had you that night, I meant it.". He kisses her hand in his.

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