Chapter 5

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Months pass and his idiot brother is showing off at a bar and gets a beer bottle to the head. He picks him up and drives to the hospital. He's too irritated to sit and wait. He's walking the halls of the hospital and he hears sniffling. He sees that womans kid and he's all alone.
" hey buddy where is your mom?"
The boy launches himself into Murdock arms and says "my mom was having the baby and  a mean lady put me out here and said stay. I'm not supposed to be alone I'm only 3. I am scared, is my mom OK? " Murdock is furious. Wtf?!  He hears a nurse coming

"oh glad I found him. Are you his dad? Your daughter and wife are sleeping. Oh shit! Murdock?! So sorry, but I've never seen you with people let alone a kid" she whispers. Let's out a giggle
Murdock smirks. He tells her what the boy said. She knows what bitch of a nurse sent the kid out here alone. She walks off after Murdock said he would wait with the kid. She files a report on the bitch nurse.

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