CHAPTER 14: Mystery Remains

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CHAPTER 14: Mystery Remains 

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CHAPTER 14: Mystery Remains 


Ella was laying in her bed, gazing at her window that allowed sun rays to filter inside and illuminate her small bedroom.

Last night was chaotic with her friends' spontaneous plans, she was too distracted and then exhausted to really process what had happened earlier that day, but now that she realised she didn't have any early classes she stayed in bed while her mind went places she didn't intend.

She found herself wondering why he didn't show up? Was she being too inquisitive when she made that request? Did he not want to meet her? Was it too much? Too early?

But she just wanted to be friends... If that, and then maybe ask him a few things about all those previous letters since she was so curious...

Or was it simply something like he was busy and couldn't make it?

Whatever it was.... at the end of the day, the mystery remains a mystery.

Ella was going crazy and she needed another opinion, or maybe some reassurance that 'all was not ruined'.

There was a knock on her door and then Ella said "I'm awake Nora."

She stuck her head in and smiled, "I was just checking." Ella sat up in her bed and Nora invited herself in. "You're feeling okay?" She asked.

"I don't see why not, it's not like we ate spicy as hell food and then cried all over the place last night," Ella said sarcastically.

"Seeing as you're making jokes I'm gonna believe you're fine." Nora raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm gonna go make coffee, you want something else?" She asked as she began to walk away when Ella stopped her...

"Yes, I-" She turned around with questioning eyes, "I need to tell you something," Ella said.

"Is this about my jacket? Because you can borrow it, I don't mind..." Nora guessed.

"It's not about the jacket!" Ella rolled her eyes, "It's about... " She paused, thinking it over. "It's about the diary."

Nora lingered in her doorway, but then came back and sat down on the bed next to Ella... "what about the diary?"

"Remember that diary I lost two weeks ago?"

Nora nodded.

" wasn't mine..." She hesitated before continuing, "I know, I told you it was mine because it was hard to explain, actually I just found it..." Ella told her everything from the willow tree to the letters to the replies and the yellow sticky notes and lastly the meeting that never took place.

Nora's eyes were wide with shock by the end of it, "All this was going on and you told me nothing?"

Ella looked down at her fussing hands and pulled at a thread of her shirt that was coming loose. "Sorry."

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