CHAPTER 8: Yellow Sticky Notes

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CHAPTER 8: Yellow Sticky Notes

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CHAPTER 8: Yellow Sticky Notes


Ella along with her three friends was hanging out in their campus coffee house. It was right after college ended which meant the coffee house was crowded and noisy.

Nora needed some caffeine, and so everyone tagged along for some milkshakes and food. They all sat around a round table talking and laughing about all sorts of stuff.

Daniel was talking about typical college guy problems and complaining about how he needed to increase his swimming speed (he was on the swim team) and basically all his teachers were being jerks and assigning way too many project reports, to which Jay joined in and complained about his own overload of psychology 101 assignments.

"And there are no cute guys in my class." Dan wailed, not entirely unexpected of him, and Jay glared at him for suddenly changing the topic to one which he could not relate.

"Yeah, you should definitely work on your swimming speed." She nodded enthusiastically and ignored his last comment since it's been repeated way too many times.

The topic however changed when Nora brought up Ella's lost diary which was still mysteriously lost. "What happened to it, is it just gone?"

Ella swallowed the breadstick she was eating and said, "I'll tell you as soon as I find out." She didn't want to worry about it while hanging out with her friends but they apparently were very much interested in this particular topic.

"What do you mean 'as soon as I find out', it's been days... I thought you might have gotten a ransom call from the kidnapper." Jay frowned at her.

"You mean blackmailer?" Nora attempted to correct him but he brushed her off.

"Tomato, tomaahto... it's all the same," he shrugged.

"Except its tomato, no one says tomaahto." Daniel interjected.

Ella sighed. "No such calls. Which makes me wonder if it's just lost, or someone took it on purpose..." She voiced her uncertainty while going along with her friend's outlandish suggestions.

"Don't worry, you'll get the call soon, maybe it's their first crime." Daniel chuckled.

"I can only imagine what the conversation would be like." Nora mused.

Jay and Daniel looked at each other and smirked, almost as if they just had a telepathic conversation. And suddenly out of nowhere they started doing impressions.

Jay spoke up in his 'Batman voice' as he held his hand to the side of his face like a telephone. "Hello, Ella? I have your personal diary as a hostage."

Ella rolled her eyes, but she had to smile, her friends were such dorks.

"What? No, you don't!" Daniel said in a voice that was much too high pitched as he held up his phone to his ear, and pushed his non-existent long hair behind his ear with his other hand.

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