CHAPTER 10: Dear Intruder

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CHAPTER 10: Dear Intruder

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CHAPTER 10: Dear Intruder


That morning Ella was surprised to be waking up in her own bed. From the way things were going last night she thought she might end up crashing on Jay's couch.

The alarm that she forgot to disable woke her up quite early in the morning.

She could remember fragments of conversation from last night among eating pizza, watching Pirates of the Caribbean, drinking cheap beer and passing out before 11 pm. Surprisingly enough she didn't feel hungover, instead, her body was well-rested and her face looked better in the mirror.

Huh? Who knew something like that would help...

She checked her phone to find a message from her co-worker Eddy pleading with her to take the morning shift because something came up for him and he couldn't get to the library. Ella had to roll her eyes at the innumerous repetition of the word 'please' that was part of his message.

She sent him a quick "OK... but you owe me." Before she dropped her phone on the bed and went to take a quick shower so that she could reach the Library on time.

The morning shift was only a short four hours was from eight to twelve noon, and since she didn't have anything planned, she thought heading to the library and reading a book didn't sound like a bad idea.

After a quick shower and dress up, she was rushing out, as she was running a little late. Nora was still passed out in her room when Ella left after consuming a hot cup of coffee.

She went to the main office to retrieve the keys and then rushed to the library to open the doors. It was already 08:15.

One guy was waiting at the door, clearly displeased that the doors were still closed. When Ella rushed over, he gave her a pointed look, she apologized quickly "sorry to keep you waiting." She said and concentrated on unlocking the place and seeing that everything went smoothly.

The guy didn't reply. They both walked in when the doors opened, and that dude went about doing his work while Ella switched on the lights and opened the window to allow some ventilation.

She tidied up a little and waited in her chair. More people soon started arriving. She took care of the books being issued and returned, maintaining a record of everything. She picked up her book "The Ivory Castle" ; the bookmark was still present and so she continued reading from where she left off.

It was a fast-paced thriller she held in her hands, she read the book with amazing curiosity, the words had completely immersed her in a mysterious journey and a part of her wondered if she could ever write something so incredible.

Ella prided herself in her words and her articulation of thought, yet they blanched so often and lost their appeal when measured with a lot of content she found herself reading and consuming. A great book was not just that for her, it was also an evidence of her incompetence and amateurishness. She tried not to look at it that way, but sometimes it was pretty hard not to.

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