CHAPTER 19: Speaking Of Science

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CHAPTER 19: Speaking Of Science

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CHAPTER 19: Speaking Of Science



Dear Elliot,

Wow. I must say you are very handsome, I'm sure the resemblance is astute. I have no doubts about your artistic talents, the portrait speaks for itself.

I should have seen it coming... Despite a lot of things I don't know about you, I do know that you wouldn't shy away from an opportunity to display your wit when the excuse fell in your hands so perfectly.

I blame myself.

I don't want to bore you with what happened in my life today, it was long and exhausting and to be honest, I couldn't wait for it to end, the thought of writing to you was the only thing ushering me through every moment, stop trying to become the highlight of my day, It's not fair!

Two things usually happen every time I sit at my cluttered desk intending to write to you, either, words seem to desert me or just too many thoughts come at once and I can't write fast enough, and so it becomes hard to pen down everything I want to share.

Every time I see something or experience something unique, or maybe even mundane but probably entirely exclusive to us, I immediately think... 'Oh Elliot would understand this or appreciate this' and so I store it away in a little box of my 'to-be-written' memory so that I could share it with you, and when I sit down to write I open that box within my conscience, handle it with care as I bring out each memory and note it down neatly.

Some memories escape though, no matter how tightly I seal the lid. Memories are never intact and dreams rarely mean what we think they do, but even still they are precious... When I sat down to write today a lot of things escaped, I'm trying to recall... but it's not easy. Does this happen to you too? Or am I blabbering like a maniac and you just don't relate?

Oh! A not-so-good thing happened today...I forgot to return my book, even though I went to the library and spent a substantial amount of time over there, I blame you for distracting me. All I could think of was re-reading your letter and writing back... and now I'll have to pay a fine for returning the book late, I'm losing my mind now... all because of you. I remember the first time I found your letter there, little did I know it was leading this way.

Okay, fine...I'll stop being dramatic before you call me out on it, can't have you stop writing to me if all I ever do is complain and blame.

Do you ever feel this way, feel like blaming everything else when it's really your own fault and you know it. Maybe not, maybe it's just me...but my mind is stubborn sometimes. Sometimes I don't understand myself or recognise myself, sometimes I feel like an outsider in my own skin and sometimes I feel so distant, so detached from myself, it feels as if I look from outside into my own life, judging all the wrong decisions and shortcomings. I think you blame yourself a little too harshly for what happened with your brother, it was an honest mistake I could understand it and I hope your brother sees it too.

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