Chapter 2

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   Sundown was drawing nearer and after a long day of picking fights with each other and smoking, Johnny finally decided to head home and grab a few things.
   "Are you sure you're parents aren't home?" Darry asked.
   "They will be if you keep bugging me about it. I have to go now. I promise I'll be okay."
   "Alright see you in a bit." Darry sighed. Johnny grabbed his denim jacket and ran home. He prayed to god his mother, and especially father, wasn't home. Though his father was the worst, if his mother had too much to drink he'd prob get another beating just for existing. One time he tripped on the doorway and caused a vase to fall and spill dirt all over the floor which resulted in him getting a bat to the leg. Luckily Ponyboy and Two-Bit were already near his house and helped him get away.
   He finally made it to his house and sighed in relief to find a dark, empty living room. He ran up to his room and grabbed a clean shirt then ran back out the door. After being a distance away from his house he finally slowed down to catch his breath. He looked around the dimming neighborhood. He heard laughter coming out of one of the lit houses and sighed.
What did I do to not get that? He wondered. Tears burned in his eyes and he quickly wiped them dry. Don't cry Johnny! Be tough! He continued his journey down the road, wondering why he still got emotional over this sort of stuff. He's always been treated like dirt at his house, why wasn't he used to it? Perhaps it's be a bad thing to be though, it'd be much worse.
   He was passing by the park when he noticed a figure sitting on the edge of the fountain. It didn't look like anyone he knew, like a greaser, so he inched his way closer. The figure was small, light colored hair, pale skin... and wearing shiny, black Mary Janes.
   "Hey," he said attempting to sound intimidating, but his voice cracked instead. "What are you doing here? You're not allowed here!"
   "Well maybe I needed an escape, and it's not like y'all were here first or anything. Just leave me be will ya?" She was upset, like she was crying. Her hair no longer went up at her shoulders but lay flat.
   "What's wrong?"
   "What do you care greaser?" Her tone was harsh and hurt.
   "Well..." Johnny paused to think of what to say, "you helped me, twice! So.. I figured I'd help you in return."
   "Well you'd be helping me by leaving me alone!" She snapped. Johnny stepped back at the harsh remark.
   "Sorry. I'll leave you alone. G'night." He turned away and started towards the road.
   "Wait!" She said. He stopped but didn't face her.
   "I'm sorry for snapping at you, that wasn't nice of me. It's just been a hard day okay." Johnny faced her.
   "It's alright. I shouldn't have gotten in your business, but I know a thing or two about bad days." He sat next to her but left some space. "What happened?"
   "My bitchy parents is what happened," she exclaimed. Johnny sat up straighter because of this. A soc with shitty parents? Don't they live in mansions? Go to country clubs and private schools? Go on vacations?
   "What'd they do?" He was real curious now.
   "Well... nothing really... super bad, but they're just... awful to be around. They talk bad about people, do bad things to people. They don't treat others right, not even me. I feel so much pressure all the time, to be just like them, but I can't. I don't want to be like them. Ever." There was a silence after that. Even if she wasn't getting hit in the legs with bats, or slapped in the face, or whatever, Johnny could definitely see the toll the mental abuse had taken on this girl. She turned to him and noticed his wide eyes.
  "Shit," she mumbled, "I've said too much. I'm sorry, you probably think I'm crazy. I can go now-"
  "Wait, don't leave," He grabbed her wrist and motioned her back to the fountain. "I know what it's like to not have a good home life. That's why you saw me walking around the other night, and even tonight. I couldn't take the hurt anymore. I'm just... going away for a few days. I wish it was forever though."
   "I feel exactly the same way. That's why I always come here. The other park is always full of people. Even though this is the South side, it seems quieter here."
  "Until we come around that is," Johnny laughed.
   "Only because Bob and his gang decide to show up!" She laughed with him, "if it wasn't for them I'm sure this place would be better, people wise I guess. Don't have to worry about knives and rumbles... and scars." Johnny brought a hand to his cheek and looked away. "Didn't mean to embarrass you, Bob is awful. I hate some of the people I hang out with but they're impossible to get away from."
   "Just ignore them then. When you see them don't even look at them. You could even hang out with us if you wanted to. Even if we seem scary, rude, and intimidating, they're all really nice guys. If they got to know you I bet they'd let you hang."
   "It's not that easy," there was another pause. "I'm Jen by the way."
   "I know, I heard earlier. I'm Johnny Cade."
   "Nice to meet you Johnny. Before now I never saw you as the super mean type, you seem sweet. You have a sweet face." Johnny looked back down at the ground to hide his red face. What she said was nice but to a greaser it just seems wimpy.
   "I'd say the same about you too," he started, "you're different from the rest." They smiled at each other.
  "You wanna meet here again tomorrow?" Jen asked. Johnny almost got whiplash from how fast his head turned to look at her.
Meet again? Oh no, what if this is a trap? And if not what are the guys gonna say if they found out? His mind was racing.
  "Sure!" He blurted out.
  "Great! Same place same time. I have to go now, see you tomorrow," with that Jen stood up and left Johnny at the fountain, still in disbelief.

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