Chapter 7

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    It was two days later after Jen and Johnny met up again and they had decided that today was the day for their official second date. Now that his friends knew of his whereabouts they continuously teased him yet helped him prepare for his date at the same time. He showered and did his best to hide and make his scar cleaner. Ponyboy let him barrow hair gel and some nicer shoes.
    "Remember to be a gentleman Johnnycake," Soda said, "I don't think I have much to worry about though." He ruffled his hair.
   "I just fixed my hair Soda!" He cried, trying to put the crisp strands of hair back in place. Soda laughed.
   "Sure you don't need a ride?" Darry asked, handing him his jacket.
   "I'm fine guys really, we said we were gonna meet up at the fountain like we always do."
   "And just talk or what?"
   "Depends where it leads to I guess."
  "Ohhh I see Johnnycake," Dally winked at him.
   "Shut up," Johnny teased, he had a slight smile on his face at the thought though. "I guess I'm ready to go now. I'll see you later!"
   "Be careful!" Darry yelled.
   "Use prote-" before Dally could finish his sentence Darry slapped a hand over his mouth, making Dally cackle out a muffled laugh.
   Johnny walked towards the park, he decided to leave early so he could be the first one there, he didn't want to keep her waiting anymore. They also decided to not have the date in the pitch dark, it was during another beautiful sunset. Unfortunately the date would have to be short though, Jen had been spending the last few days helping her parents pack up things at her house.

   "Jen are you really going out again?" Her mother asked.
   "Only for a short while mother, I want to enjoy being with my friends while I'm still here."
   "What friends are you hanging out with?" Her dad asked. Ever since the attack her parents had been scared stiff and wanted to leave Tulsa a few days early.
   "Cherry and Marsha," Jen lied.
   "Alright, come right back though!"
  "I will, later!" Jen bolted out of the house and speed walked to the other side of town.

Finally Jen reached the park and they saw each other, she ran to Johnny and hugged him as he stood from the fountain.
"I'm so happy to see you!" Johnny said into her shoulder.
"It's only been two days!"
"It's enough time for me to miss you though."They stopped hugging and looked at each other.
"So what do you wanna do?" Jen asked, she took his hands and started swinging their arms back and forth.
"Whatever you want to do." Jen looked around the park, "If only there were swings," she sighed.
"I know. It's not much at all." They stood there in silence again, thinking of what they could do. Suddenly Johnny felt an aggressive push on his shoulder.
"Tag! You're it!" Jen laughed and started sprinting around the park.
"No fair!" Johnny shouted and chased after her. Their laughs were heard in the sky once more just like they used to be, Johnny finally felt at home again being with Jen. He loved watching her hair flow in the wind as she ran around, hearing her childish laugh, seeing her smile when she occasionally looked back at him, and seeing her skirt twirl around gracefully as she ran. He finally caught up to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
"Gotcha!" He said.
"Aw man, I hate being it!" Jen laughed.
"Then I'll be it again. I'll be it as many times as you want me too." He rest his head against hers, he's never felt so in love before. As they stood there, embraced in each other's arms, Johnny realized he would never be like his parents. He wanted to be like him and Jen, loving and soft with each other. And to possibly care for a child of his own.
"How about we play on the monkey bars?" Jen asked.
"I can't do those."
"What do you mean you can't? They're easy!" She grabbed his hand and lead him to the metal bars. She climbed the steps onto the raised platform and held onto the monkey bars, flinging herself off the platform. She let go with one hand and transferred it to the bar in front of it, followed by her second hand. "Ouch!" She said, then fell to the ground on her feet. "Guess it's been a while, forgot how much the bars can pinch your skin!" She laughed.
"Exactly!" Johnny argued.
"I'll help you learn! Here, go up onto the platform and grab onto the first bar." Johnny sighed and did as told. He looked at her once his hands were on the bar, Jen giggled.
"Go on! Hop off the platform!" Johnny felt himself pull down as he stepped off the platform, he immediately let go of the bars.
"Oops, I'll try again." He got back into the equipment and stepped off it with the bar in hand.
"Now this part can be kinda tricky but also not really. Just let go with one hand and move it to the second bar. Then do the same with the other hand." Johnny hesitantly let go of the bar and gripped onto the other one.
"Man this does pinch!" He didn't want to fall off again and gripped tighter. He scrunched his nose in reaction to the pain getting stronger. He put his second hand on the bar then moved the first hand to the third bar and so on.
"You're doing it! Go Johnny!" Jen clapped. He managed to reach the end and jumped off.
"That wasn't too bad! Only my second try too!" He smiled at her and hugged her. "You're a good teacher," he said.
"And you're a good..." Jen trailed off as she thought of a word to call him, "student?" They both laughed. "I'm having a lot of fun Johnny, I'm glad I can be here with you."
"Me too. I wish I had money to take you to dinner or something. I'm afraid it might be too late for that though."
"We can do that when I visit sometime. I can pay!"
"No, you've done so much already. It's time I return the favor." Johnny held her hand again and squeezed it. Jen gave him a solemn look.
He's so handsome and sweet, she thought, how could someone not love him? Then she stood closer to him and was looking him in the eyes. They stared at each other a bit, until Johnny couldn't wait any longer and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. She let out a small gasp in surprise, but immediately kissed him back. This time they stayed though, and wrapped their arms around each other.
Johnny felt euphoric, he had never kissed a girl before and didn't think it would ever happen this early. His mind and heart was racing and he felt like the happiest man alive. Every troubling thought he had on his mind left him and it was just the two of them in the world at that moment.
What would I do without you, Johnny thought.

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