Chapter 6

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Johnny's heart was racing. It had only been a few minutes how could she have gotten hurt? He had fresh tears burning in his eyes but this time he let them fall.
Jen wasn't too far away when the boys found her. She lay there unconscious on the dirty street. She had been beaten terribly and her clothes were torn. Johnny started to bawl as the rest of the gang gasped in horror.
"Dally," Johnny muttered, "what happened to her?"
"I don't know. I just saw her fall to the ground, there wasn't anyone in sight. Sorry man." Johnny knelt down and cradled her head in his hands.
"We have to call an ambulance!"
"On it!" Darry ran back to the house and urgently called 911.
"How could this had happened?" Johnny cried. "Are you sure you didn't see anyone?"
"Positive." Though Johnny had no evidence of this, he had a gut feeling he knew who did it. Bob and his plethora or rich, snobby friends. Johnny began to cry harder, how could he have done this to his own friend? To a girl? Thankfully the ambulance got here fast, and they were able to take her to a nearby hospital.
"Will she be okay?" Johnny asked.
"Yes son," a worker said, "she's unconscious that's all. She had a few head injuries but she should be waking up in a few hours." Johnny sighed. "Would you like to ride with her?"
"Yes please," Johnny immediately hopped inside the ambulance, he grabbed Jen's hand as she lay on the stretcher. The ambulance worker shut the doors and walked over to the rest of the boys and drove away.
"Poor Johnny man," Dally sighed.
"Poor girl. It happened so quick," Sodapop said. Ponyboy slapped a fist into his palm.
"Whoever did this was evil. Even us greasers know this is low, and we're considered criminals?"
"We better head to the hospital to help Johnny." They followed Darry to his car, having to squeeze themselves in the back.

At the hospital Johnny was already in the waiting room, resting his head on his hands and bouncing his leg in anxiety. They went over and sat next to him. Pony stroked his back.
"Hey man, she'll be okay. You know what the doctor said, they'll help her."
"I'm still worried though. I should've walked her home, I should be the one taking the beatings!"
"Don't say that! She'll be alright, no ones deserves to get hurt."
"We'll find out who did this and beat the shit out of them," Darry gave an evil smirk.
    "No, we shouldn't. That would make things worse."
    "Have a little fun Johnny you know they deserve it!"
   "We don't even know who it is man! Could be you for all we know," Johnny mumbled the last part in hopes that Dally wouldn't hear. That plan failed.
    "What'd you say you little shit?"
    "Nah I heard. You think I'd hit a girl? I may be some criminal but I'm not an asshole-"
    "Cut it out Dal! You were the only one who saw her and could've been there at the same time as her! Either you did it or you saw and did nothing, which is just as bad! And I know how you can be with women-"
     "You know what I man I don't need this! I tried to be a good friend and help but I guess that's all gone to shit too. That's what a get for helping people huh, a kick in the ass?"
    "Dal be rational-" Darry added in.
    "Rational? While Johnny's the one pissing on me?"
    "He's upset he can't think straight. You're letting all this get to you, just calm down!" Dally looked over at Johnny who wouldn't make eye contact with him. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it inside the building.
    "No smoking in the hospital sir," a woman at the desk said. He rolled his eyes and stormed outside.
    "Johnny, you need to calm down. Jen will be fine. I know it's bad, but she just got beaten up! She wasn't murdered, or broke anything. They'll treat her and wake her up." Johnny started to cry in his hands again.
    "I'm such an asshole. Why do I do this?"
   "Having your guard up all the time man. It's okay to be vulnerable. Listen, we'll ask her what happened, and we'll take care of the rest. Just be with Jen while she's still here in Tulsa, okay?" Johnny nodded. Suddenly a man in a white coat walked up behind them.
    "Are you the young men with Jen?" He asked. Johnny stood from his seat, he fixed his hair anxiously.
   "Yes sir."
   "Well we just did a check up, we bandaged any wounds and gave her some medicine to heal headaches and such. A punch to the head caused her to lose consciousness, but she's woken up now and healing. Would you like to see her?"
   "Yes!" Johnny finally smiled and ran to the room Jen was staying in. He gave her a solemn look as he saw her laying in her bed. A bandage around her arm and pill bottles sat on a small table next to her. He walked inside when she noticed him.
    "Johnny!" She sighed. She sounded tired and reached a hand out to him. He took it.
    "Hi, how are you feeling?"
   "Better. It was awful out there Johnny, I was so scared."
   "Jen, who did this? Who hurt you?"
   "Bob did, I had no idea he was there. He must've followed me when he saw me talking to Dally. I can barely remember it though, it all happened so fast."
   "I knew it. That bastard. Why would he do that to you?"
    "You know how he is with greasers. He's mad about the fact that I'm dating you."
   "Dating?" Johnny's eyes got wide.
   "Well... if you wanna call it that."
   "Yeah. I like that name, boyfriend. Girlfriend." The two smiled at each other and Johnny's heart leaped as he looked into the eyes of the face that he missed so much. He leaned over and kissed her forehead.
   "I should be out of here by tonight. My parents are on their way."
   "Okay, I'd like to meet the-"
   "Johnny you can't. They'd kill you if they knew I got beaten up over a greaser. They'd never let me see you again." Johnny looked down at the ground sadly.
    "It's alright. I understand."
   "But Johnny I one hundred percent meant what I said. I love you, I'll see you any chance I get. You have my word for it."
   "I wish I could come see you though, I'd like to see Texas."
   "I bet it's nice. I'm excited to go, I just wish I could bring you with me."
   "I know," he squeezed her hand lovingly.
  "I have to leave in a week," Jen said.
   "That's so little time!" Johnny got upset again, he wasn't expecting it to be so soon.
   "I know, I regret not coming to you earlier. But we can hang out everyday till then!"
   "I'd love that. Maybe we can go on a second date?" Jen beamed at him.
   "I'd love to, maybe we can go to your park this time. They won't see us there," the two of them laughed.
   "I'd hate to but I have to leave now, it's getting late and I bet everyone else is tired."
   "Your friends are here?"
   "Yeah they wanted to make sure we were okay."
   "You're friends are nice Johnny, cherish them. I'd like to see them again one day," Jen smiled at him once more and let go of his hand.
   "Goodbye Jen."
   "Goodbye Johnny." Johnny turned and left the room. He walked back over to his friends and saw that Dally had come back inside.
   "Dal," he said, "I'm sorry man, I know you wouldn't do something like that. It was just-"
   "It's cool, don't worry about it."
   "She's okay, she'll be leaving tonight. She said we better go before her parents see me and forbid her from seeing me again." The seven of them sat up from their chairs and walked back out to this car.
   "So who hurt her?" Two-Bit asked.
   "Bob did, and his friends. They hated the fact that we were together. They followed her here."
   "That's what I figured," Darry said. "I'd like to give them a piece of my mind."
   "I'd say we just leave it be. She leaves for Texas in a week. Might as well make it peaceful while she's here."
   "Whatever you say buddy," Two-Bit pat his shoulder.

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