Chapter 4

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    In the midst of their laughter and childlike enjoyment they were completely unaware of car headlight getting closer in the distance. It finally came to a stop near the swing set, pretty much blinding the two. Jen scraped her feet against the dirt, stopping her swing. She turned and whisper yelled to Johnny.
    "Johnny hurry! You need to-"
    "Well, well, well," a voice said. It was too late. Johnny stopped his swing and squinted at the lights in confusion.
    "What are you doing here Bob?" She asked.
    "Just came for a smoke, you get caught to easily in the day. But it looks like you can get caught in the dark too," he glared at Johnny.
    "Bob don't," Jen stood up from her swing and planted herself in front of Johnny, protecting him. "This was my idea, if there's anyone you should be mad at it's me!"
    "I'm already pissed enough, and I'd like to take it out on the wimp myself! He needs to fight his own fights!" He came walking up to the swing set, pounding his fist into his palm. Jen screamed.
   "No Bob, please! Don't hurt him! Don't hurt him!" She was crying at this point and trying to push Bob away, he grabbed her by her wrist and flung her to the ground. Johnny shot up from the swing.
   "H-hey now," he stuttered, "I didn't mean any trouble! Let's settle this! I'll leave as long as you leave her alone!"
   "In your dreams you runt!" Just before Bob could get any closer to him, Johnny pulled out a shiny switchblade and opened it, holding it out to Bob. "Oh so you're a tough guy huh?"
    "I don't mean any trouble now, and I'd hate to use this thing."
     "I bet you would once you get caught by the police! Who would ever believe your side? You're a greaser." Bob put harsh emphasis on the word "greaser" like it was some nasty insult. Suddenly Johnny ran after him and tackled him, switchblade still in hand.
     "Guys stop!" Jen cried, "please don't fight! Don't hurt each other!" They ignored her requests though and continued to rumble around in the dirt, punching and kicking at each other.
    "Hey!" Someone yelled. The three kids stopped and looked to see an old man coming after them with a flashlight. "What are you doing? Get back here!" Bob shoved Johnny off of him and ran back to his car.
    "You got lucky this time greaser, but don't think this'll ever end," with that he got in the Mustang and slammed on the gas, kicking up dust.
    "Hey!" The man yelled again.
   "Hurry Johnny, we have to go!" Jen grabbed his hand and they ran off to the other side of town.

    They finally stopped when they thought they lost him. Gasping for air and clutching their sides, they began to chuckle.
    "That was a close one," Johnny panted.
    "I know, thank god that man came. Ya'll could've killed each other!"
    "I didn't want to kill Bob, I don't think I'd ever want to kill anyone."
    "That's why I like you Johnny," Jen said.
    "The soc boys can be so violent, but even you, a greaser, wouldn't want anyone hurt. Ever."
    "Just because my friends and I are greasers doesn't mean we want to kill anyone."
    "Johnny that's not what I meant," she out a hand on his shoulder.
    "Yeah, yeah," he exclaimed, "us greasers are so juvenile and terrible. We're dirty and rotten. We just love to bring switchblades out whenever we can!"
    "Johnny that's not what I meant honestly! I mean, I grew up thinking that but I'm different now. I don't believe a word of what my parents or friends say!"
    "You still sort of implied it though. I hope you know that none of my friends would kill a man, we have morals too. We just live different and look different. We're outsiders, we act tough because we need to and it's what people expect. We're tired of taking crap from people like you." Johnny turned and looked at the ground.
    "People like me? Listen Johnny I'm sorry, please forgive me. I'm really not like Bob or anyone!" There was a moment of silence.
    "I'm tired Jen," he said finally, "I'm going home."
    "Good night," he turned once more and walked his way down the street alone.

    While Jen walked home she hoped and prayed that the argument was just the adrenaline of the fight. She didn't want Johnny to be mad at her, she wanted to see him more. She decided that tomorrow she'd come back and try to find him to possibly make up.

    Johnny didn't like being mad at Jen on their first date, but it never would've happened if it wasn't for Bob. He felt terrible for misinterpreting her words, but he couldn't go back now or he'd feel embarrassed for making such a fuss. He loved her a lot, he really did. He wished he could tell everyone he knew about her, but he can't even be seen with her around the soc kids. Johnny hoped that they'd somehow meet again and they could talk then.
Sorry for not posting in a while, school started up so I have less time:/ anyways be sure to follow my IG and tiktok for more Ralph/Outsiders/Karate kid content! The @'s are in my bio :) xx

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