Chapter 36

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For the first time since I found out that I'm pregnant,I slept like a baby. My pillow has never felt so squishy but comfy. It's so warm and strong.

Wait strong?

My eyes flutter open as I yawn. What time is it? I groan as I try to sit up but a strong arm is around my waist.

An arm??

"Shh,sweetheart" A very deep voice mumbles in my ear. I freeze as my mind registers who's voice it is.

What in the fuck is Cole Grey doing in my bed? Wha-how-whe-oohh. Last night he called me and told me he was outside and I let him in through my window.

Then...we kissed.


Ugh could things get any worse?

Apparently they could. A loud knock reverberates through my room as Luke's booming voice sounds.

"Lucy!!" He yells and I panic.

"Shit!" I hiss and spring out the bed. "Get up! Get up! Get up!" I whisper harshly to Cole and roughly shake him.

"Uggh go away" He groans but unfortunately,it wasn't quiet enough so Luke must have heard him.

"LUCY!! WHO THE FUCK IS IN THERE WITH YOU!!" He booms and I squeal. Shit shit shit shit.

Not even a second later,he comes storming in almost tearing the door in two. Cole jumps up before groaning in pain and cradles his head.

"Lucy,why is the devil's reincarnation in this house,in your room and in your bed?" Luke asks in a deadly calm voice. His eyes are narrowed on Cole's cold ones.

Shit is about to go down.

"I can explain" I blurt and move my body infront of Cole's thinking that'll help calm Luke down.

"Then fucking do it" Luke hisses.

I gulp. "I-he well we because...I and uhh he" I stumble on my words as I try to figure our how the fuck I'm going to get out of this.

"Luke,what is all this noise-" Dad walks in but his words are cut short as he takes in the sight infront of him. "Lucy,care to explain what is going on in here so early in the morning?" He asks as he glares at me to death.

Oh I'm so fucked.

"Well...he called me when I was drunk last night-"

"You were drinking!!" Mom yells as she enters my room. I shake my head as I reform the words.

"No no no. He was drunk and he called me last night and told me he was outside so I let him in through the window. I thought he'd be gone when I woke up but.." I trail off,wringing my fingers as sweat trails down my neck.

"Why are you still here,asshole!!" Luke yells. The way he is so pissed,veins are popping on his neck and forehead and his face is as red as blood.

The last time I saw Luke this angry was during the fight Cole and him had last year during one of Cole's parties. I wasn't there but I saw the aftermath. Luke's face was black and blue and he was snapping at anyone who tried talking to him. Oh,he was limping too.

"Shut the fuck up,you twat!! Your making my headache worse with your horrendous voice" Cole grumbles as he rubs his temples.

He climbs out the bed and gets dressed. "Sweetie,why don't you stay for breakfast? I know a way to kill that hangover" Mom tells him and smiles. Luke gapes at her while my father is lost in his thoughts.

"I disagree,mom" Luke says amd folds his arms over his chest.

"Yeah,mom. Plus,I don't think he'd like that,right Cole?" I say and turn my body to face him.

He smirks at me as his eyes glint in mischeviousness and shrugs. "No. It's okay. I'll stay,plus your mother said she has something to get rid of my headache" He says. I give him a 'wtf' look but he just shakes his head.

"Oh good then" She beams before grabbing dad's arm and dragging him out my room.

Luke glares at Cole one last time before following my parents. I sigh and shake my head. This is going to be a long morning.

"What are you doing! Are you signing up for your death?" I hiss and punch him on his hard as rock chest.

"Sweetheart,you need to relax. Everything will be fine" He calmy says. "Do you have an extra toothbrush for me? I don't think eating breakfast with your family with bad breath will earn me brownie points"

"Your crazy you know that?"

"Toothbrush,Lucy" He chuckles.

"Check under the sink. There should be one there" I tell him.

I grab clothes for the day and my toiletries before heading out to my parent's bathroom to take a shower.

As the hot water runs down my body,I think about Cole's words from last night. He said something about making someone pregnant for the second time.

I wonder who the chick is. Was she also fifteen? One of the most painful things is losing a baby without it ever being born. Literally a month into your pregnancy and BAM you lose your baby. What was the reason for her losing the baby so early?

Does Alec even know about this? Does Mr. Grey know about this? Does Mrs. Grey know about this too? I wonder who knows. Maybe Max knows about it.

Will he be lenient enough to tell me? Seeing as he is Cole's best friend,I don't think he'd tell me. He would say something like "He should be the one telling you this" Damn bro code. 

Sighing,I turn the faucet off and walk out the shower to dry my body.

This is definitely going to be a long morning.

Lucy Banes | ✔   UNEDITEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin