Chapter 25

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"Can we help you, young man?" Betty asks, her eyebrow raised in question and irritation as she was disturbed from her work.

"It's okay" I softly say. "He is here with me" I explain. She nods and goes back to preparing the machine.

Cole steps in and helps me on the bed with ease. It's as if I don't weigh a thing.

"Hey" He breathes and smiles, making me blush a little.

"Hey" I whisper. "I thought you weren't coming?"

"I had to make up a good lie about where I'm going. People are very nosey" He says. I nod and pretend that my heart didn't break into even more pieces.

I lift my hoodie and let it rest right where my bra ends, making sure it doesn't show. Cole moves to the left side of the bed because Betty has to use the right. She applies the cold gel and I wince then she places the machine thingy on my swollen belly and starts rolling it around as she stares at the screen.

"Well, it looks like the baby is healthy an strong but I do advise you keep your stress levels low. They could cause some disabilities or birth defects" She informs us and I nod, still staring at my baby in awe.

She turns a button and the sound of a heartbeat fills the room. "How do I lower my stress levels?" I ask, wanting to know so I can start immediately. I don't want complications during or after this pregnancy.

"I advise you take your maternity break from school as soon as possible and try to relax. Give in to a few of your cravings and take lots of bubble baths. Don't stress too much on too many things as well. Keep yourself as relaxed as possible too" She says and I nod again. "Since the father of the baby has finally decided to show up, do you want to know the gender?" She ask, putting a little emphasis on the word finally.

In my peripheral vision,bI see Cole roll his eyes and I chuckle. "Yes please" I say.

She nods and leans in further to the screen, her eyes squinting a bit. "It looks like it's a girl. Congratulations. I'll print out some pictures for you" She grins, causing me to grin too.

Tears form in my eyes and my throat clogs up as I stare at the screen. I let them fall and sniffle a little. That's my baby girl. I'm literally looking at my baby girl. A sob escapes my lips without permission.

I move my blurry eyes up to Cole. He is as stiff as pole and is staring at the screen in fear,worry and... a bit of happiness.

"Cole" I croak.

Very slowly, his eyes move to mine and he bites his lip. Something else in his eyes but I can't decipher what it is.

"It's a girl" He whispers and I nod. "I'm..I'm..we're having a girl" He whispers again, stuttering.

"Yeah" I chuckle and wipe away the excess tears.

Betty walks back in with a small envelope and hands it to me. She wipes the gel of my stomach, bids us goodbye then walks out again to give us some space to digest everything. 

I gently jump of the bed and fix my hoodie. Cole walks up to me and wraps his arms around my neck and shoves my face in his hard and broad chest.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn't have said all those things I've said to you. You didn't and don't deserve such horrible treatment. Infact, no one does. What I did is unforgivable and I understand if you still hate me but I hope you don't kick me out of the baby's life" He says.

"I could never hate you, Cole. No matter how much I should, I don't" I say after pulling away from his embrace.

"But you should" He says, frowning.

"But I don't" I argue. "I also understand why you don't want to tell your father about this, Alec told me and plus, I can't tell my dad or Luke either" I ramble but stop when I see his stormy eyes turn a deadly dark color.

"Alec did what?" He snaps and I shrink back. Oh no. I shouldn't have said that.

"Nothing" I squeak.

"That fucker. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to rip his tongue out because he talks too much. How much has he told you?" He seethes.

"Not much" I lie with a grimace.

"He told you everything didn't he?" He rhetorically asks before chuckling darkly. "He is going to wish he was never born when I'm done with him" He grits through clenched teeth. His knuckles have turned white and his jaw is ticking in tension.

"Please don't kill him" I plead. "He is my obly friend and I really like him" As soon as those words leave my mouth, I regret them.

Why did I tell my still-my-crush that I have a crush on his step brother. That is just going to make things weird for all of us.

Cole breathes in deeply before grabbing my arm and gently pulling me to his car. He doesn't say anything as he slams his door shut and drives away from the clinic.

"Cole" I squeak, clutching the seatbelt really tight. "Cole slow down" I demand him. He narrowly misses a truck as he drives like a maniac. He ignores me and clenches the steering wheel tighter.

He almost crashes into a mini cooper and I yell in fright. "COLE SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!" I scream.

Thankfully he slows down and drives under the speed limit. I release a breath of relief and let go of the seatbelt. 

"Where are you even going? My house is not in this direction" I snap and glare at him as hard as I can.

"Just calm down, doc said you need to keep your stress levels down" He says and I scoff.

"Why do you care" I mutter under breath.

"Because your carrying my daughter in there!!" He yells and I roll my eyes.

"So now you realise that? What took you so long, huh. Was it dear old dad?" I retort. I immediately regret those words as a look of hurt flashes by his face. "I'm sorry. I should not have said that. I was out of place" I apologise and he nods.

"Just know that, I do not want or need any help. And don't even think about rambling my personal information to everybody"

"Who would I even tell, Cole. Everybody hates me now and I even almost lost my brother" I whisper.

"Oh" He mumbles.

Things always take a sour turn with us, don't they?

Lucy Banes | ✔   UNEDITEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora