Chapter 1

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The bustling of students in the hallway echoes as I step out of my AP Calculus class. Today's lesson wasn't that bad actually. Ms. Stall was lenient enough to decrease the amount of homework that is due on Friday. She has this system where she hands us homework every Monday that is due on that Friday. Don't ask me why but it's just how she does things I guess.

I push my way through the crowd of students to my locker. The smell of paint lingering in the air since the lockers were repainted during the weekend. The red on them is now shining as the sun blares through the glass doors at the end of the hallway instead of the dull red that was once there.

Now every school has the cliche groups that always hang out with each other. In my school, Crossford High home of the Tigers, the groups consist of; The popular (you know, the barbies and jocks),The Nerds, The Bad Boys, The weirdo (consists of only one person) and The normal ones (popular but unpopular, you know)

You must be asking yourselves where I fit in with the above mentioned groups but I actually don't. I don't belong in any group nor am I in one. I ride solo. Well, I actually ride with my best friend Nora but you get the gist.

Nora Summers has been my best friend since 8th grade when we got lost on the first day together. I stumbled upon her then we realised that we were lost and made our way to the front office so they can help us find our class. We have been inseparable ever since. She is a 5'7 blonde that belongs on the runway. Her gorgeous green eyes that can glare at you to death are part of the reason why we're best friends. Nora is talkative and loud. Really loud. Like, really really loud.

It still confuses me how someone like her is friends with good ole' me.

My brown locks and brown eyes are bland and boring. My shyness and social awkwardness are sure to make you cringe. I'm a short 5'4 but I have the appetite of the whole football team. Okay maybe I'm over exaggerating a bit but whatever. I'm allergic to anything remotely close to exercising or sport. My only form of these two is to walk to the fridge and back up to my room.

Yes, unfit I know.

I find my best friend giggling away over what one of The Bad Boys is saying. We normally don't associate ourselves with them because they are bad news but one can't deny that they are fine young specimen.

I tap the back of Cole Grey's shoulder, the leader of The Bad Boys and by far the hottest boy in school. Brown locks sit in a mess on his head as if he woke up and came to school like that. Somehow he manages to kill the look.

He slowly turns around and glares at me.

Sheesh, what did I ever do to you?

"Excuse me...uhm...but can you move so I can access my locker?" I squeak like some mouse. I'm pretty sure I'd make a good mouse though, I'm so quiet.

His dark grey eyes darken a bit as he looks me over. I squirm under his gaze, suddenly feeling self concious. I'm wearing my all time blue summer dress that has white polka dots with my white Converse, nothing special.

Cole moves out the way, his eyes still staring at my soul.


"Thank you" I whisper and press in the code of my locker. Way to go Lucy. I'm pretty sure he thinks your weird and awkward. Why is it that I always find myself all awkward and flustered around Cole?

Oh right, it's because I have a crush on him.

"Hey Lucy" Max greets, giving me his million dollar smile that would make you blind.

Max Loyd is Cole's best friend. His brown curls and emarald eyes are what drive the girls crazy. Max is ofcourse the kindest of The Bad Boys but I heard it might be a facade to lure girls in. Pretty smart if you think about it.

"Hey Max" I greet back, smiling at him.

"Lucy, I heard your brother is throwing another party this weekend?" Nora says. I nod, pursing my lips at the thought of drunk teenagers swarming our house yet again.

Thank god I'll be in the comforts of my room.

"Mhm" I hum, nodding before shutting my locker and make my way to the cafeteria for lunch.

"You'll be attending right?" She asks, surprisingly keeping up with my pace in her death traps. How in the world is she able to even walk in those things?

"Nope" I say, popping the 'p' as I grab a tray of food.

"Why not?" Cole's deep voice makes my head snap to his direction. I forgot they were walking with us.

"Uhm because I don't do parties" I slowly say before turning back around and rushing to the table that Nora and I have claimed as ours.

I need to get away from those boys. They are not good news. Especially Cole. The things I've heard about him are things my innocent ears shouldn't have heard.

Once I heard he was the leader of the mafia and is plotting to turn all the girls in this school to prostitutes.

Okay, I don't actually believe that one.

"Lucy, why are you being so boring? Everytime there's a party, you stay in and watch movies on your laptop. Doesn't it get boring?" She whines as we take our seats.

I shake my head, biting into the chicken and mayo sandwich. Thank heavens our school serves amazing food and not jail food. I would've suffered if we had to eat some soggy sandwich with brown lettuce and spoiled meat. Yuck.

"I'd rather stay in, Nora. Plus my brother wouldn't let me. You know how he is" I say after swallowing.

"Ugh Lucy" She groans and rolls her eyes.

Forgive me for not wanting to get drunk or get trampled on by sweaty teenagers. I don't want to even know what happens in the guest rooms.

"Nora, I'm not attending" I say with finality. Signaling that I'm not going to discuss this any further.

She takes the hint with a sigh and nibbles on her salad. I guess she is on another diet again. Greens are disgusting. Though, broccoli and green apples are delicious.

"Where are your parents going this time?" She asks.

I shrug.

"I don't know. Probably to some other state or something" I mumble.

"You know Lucy, it's our last year in highschool and I really thought you'd loosen up and have some fun instead of hiding in the depths of your room" Nora says, annoyance clear as day in her voice.

What is her problem? I thought she was going to drop this. Doesn't she know that bad things usually happen in teenage parties?

"Well I'm sorry for not wanting anything bad happening to me" I snap and narrow my eyes at her.

"Nothing bad is going to happen Lucy. The party will be at your house so I doubt any casualty will happen to you in your own home" She mumbles as she angrily stabs her *gag* lettuce.

"Just because it'll be in my house doesn't mean something bad won't happen" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Just attend, Lucy" She groans. "Just this one time and I'll never ask again" She negotiates.

I give her a pointed look at her bargaining.

"No" I decline and shake my head.

"Please" She pleads, giving me that annoying puppy look.

"Ugh fine" I groan in defeat and bury my head in my hands as she squeals in excitement.

She starts talking about what she's going to wear and how much make up she'll have on and I zone out. Such girly talk always bores me to death.

Lucy Banes | ✔   UNEDITEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon