Chapter 13

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"How was school, Lucy?" Dad asks. We're all seated around the dinner table, eating and lightly conversing with one another.

Luke has been quiet and non responsive this whole time, probably lost in his own world. Every now and then, he would run a hand through his hair and sigh before moving the food on his plate around again.

"It was okay. Nothing much happened" I mutter and shrug.

I look up and mom gives me a questioning look. She's using her face to ask me why I'm not telling my father about the anonymous father of the baby.

I sigh heavily then drag my eyes to my father, who is now trying to get his son's attention.

"I-I spoke to the father of the baby,today" I squeak, shuffling uncomfortably on my seat.

My statement seems to have caught my whole family's attention as their eyes snap to mine. Mom gives me an encouraging smile as Dad and Luke look at me expectantly.

"He-He uhm-"

"Spit it out, Lucy" Luke snaps,cutting me of. Our parents glare at him and mom pinches his ear. He whines and rubs it, hoping to lessen the pain.

"It's okay, sweetie" Mom says,softly.

"He doesn't want anything to do with the baby" I whisper, lowering my gaze to my plate.

The table goes quiet and I'm scared they can hear my beating heart. I'm sweating like crazy and I'm nervous. Knowing my father, he'll get mad but give me a sympathetic look but Luke? Luke is going to release hell on earth and he'll make sure he'll find Cole and beat him to a pulp. But that's why he shouldn't find out.

More so because he absolutely despises Cole. He's warned me ever since he found out what type of a person Cole is. He told me to never ever associate myself with someone who is completely able to destroy my life without a single care. He'd move on as if nothing happened. As if he did nothing. As if he didn't just ruin your life.

I always knew Luke was just trying to protect me and was being a big brother. I underestimated his warning. A lot. He told me how dangerous Cole is but I took his words lightly because I thought Cole would never associate himself with good ole me.

I just wish I listened. I wish I understood exactly why he was warning me to stear away from Cole. I wish a lot of things but I now have to deal with what I already have. And what I'll have in a few months.

"I'm really sorry, Lucy" Dad empathizes, giving me a soft look. I show him a small smile.

"Who is he?" Luke sneers, glaring so hard at the table, I'm scared holes will appear. His hands are clenched in fists, the knuckles turning white and his jaw ticking in tension. I could've sworn I saw a vein pulsing on his neck.


"No mom. I need to know. I need to show that fucker what's right" He cuts mom of.

"Language Luke Banes!" Dad snaps. His eyes narrowed on his angry son.

"Why won't you just tell me, Lucy? You used to tell me everything, what happened?" He pleads, ignoring Dad.

"He happened Luke. I can't tell you because I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed of myself and my mistake. I don't want you guys to know because it will remind me of my horrid mistake. Please understand that" In all honesty, it isn't actually a lie.

I am ashamed of myself and my mistake. I'm ashamed of what I've done. I've taken the Banes name down the drain with my stupidity.

I know it sounds and looks stupid of me to protect Cole but...I don't know. I don't know why I'm protecting his identity when I shouldn't. I don't know why I still like him. I don't know why I'm shutting my family out. I don't know a lot of things and I just wish everything could stop.

The pain. The sleepless nights. The vomiting. The name calling. The stress. The hatred. The betrayal. Everything. I just want everything to stop. I just want to be able to breathe.


"Please Luke" I plead, my voice soft but clogged with unshed tears.

I hear a huff before someone abruptly stands up and leaves the room,slamming the door on their way out. 

In my peripheral vision, dad sighs and rubs his temples, his elbows resting on the table.

I jump out my seat and rush up the stairs to my room, the sobs already escaping my lips and the tears blur my vision.

I hear light footsteps follow me as I jump under the covers of my bed. The bed dips near my waist as my mom's petite body takes a seat.

"It's okay, sweetie. He'll come around" She says, rubbing my thigh.

I ignore her and cry harder.

If only she knew how much pain I'm in. If only she can help me heal and make it stop.

She climbs under the covers and wraps her small arms around me, snuggling me close to her. Her flower perfume and familiar warmth engulfs me and I turn my body around.

"Cole" I say.


"It's Cole" I repeat, slightly louder this time but still soft enough so no one can hear me.

"Cole? You mean Cole...Grey? The son of Spencer Grey?" She asks and I nod.

The crying comes back again and I let it out. I cry again, my face buried in my mother's chest. I cry both in relief and in pain. I feel as though some weight has been lifted of my shoulders. I can slightly breathe now.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" She coos,holding me tighter against her small frame.

I cry the whole night in my mother's arms until I lose conscious.

Yet again, my dream consists of a life I'll never have.

If only I had listened to Luke's warnings.

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