Chapter 19 - oh no she didnt

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Eoins prov

Ok ok whats going on. One minute Leah is laughing the next Saoirse is frozen solid staring at the screen. "Ok ladies one of ye better tell me whats happening here before i freak out. Is she having a baby I ask. Saoirse still hasnt removed her eyes from the screen. Leah takes a deep breathe turns to me and says you have very strong sperm Mr Ryder and giggles again only this time Saoirse joins in. Oh for god sake will one of them please tell me whats happening. Saoirse slowly points to the screen "Eoin we are pregnant but not with one baby see. I focus on the screen but all i see is white and grey and 2 blackish blobs. 2 blobs 2 blobs. "Ohhhh" is all i manage. Leah has left us alone now. I need to ask i know i do but im going to sound stupid. " Saoirse what those the 2 blobs mean im guessing its twins but im no expert". Saoirse just nods a yes. TWINS TWINS. " WE ARE HAVING TWINS" I shout while jumping up and down i pull Saoirse into a hug and thank her. I def need a bigger house now. At least 10 rooms. Saoirse starts to cry saying we will have 5 kids over and over. I need to calm her down but how.

Saoirses prov
Its twins. TWINS. I have sex twice with this man, gets me pregnant twice which ends up with 5 children. FIVE. omg what am i going to do. I need to move. I still hace some baby items in storage. Im going to need a bigger car. I'm crying hard by now. Shit Eoin, hes holding me telling me it all going to be ok. Ok how. I snap i dont mean to but my mouth takes over. " This is your fucking fault i whisper shout. You and your magic fucking sperm. 2 rounds of sex 2 pregnancies and I get 5 kids normal people get 2 I get 5. Five Eoin. Why are you smiling. I need to move house I need a bigger car fuck I need a job. This is all your fucking fault". He just holds me while I rant.

Eoins prov
Saoirse is ranting at me now bit its different I know its because shes worried so I just hold her. When she is finished i tell her its all going to be fine as Im here this time and did she forgot Im a billionaire lol. She stares at me crossly. "Ok first things first are you happy". She nods a yes. Ok good start. "" Right Saoirse first of all you still have your job at my office i havent hired anyone full time yet if you want it. Second of all lets just move intogether we both love each other you need to admit it now. Im building us a house as we speak. Thirdly I will buy you a nice new SUV if you allow me too. Saoirse lets try be a family please. She just stares at me.

Third person prov (fast forward)
2 months has passed and Saoirse is now 14 weeks pregnant. Her morning sickness has finally stopped this week and she suddenly has lots of energy. She did go back to work in his office and they are dating but thats it. Saoirse wanted to take it slowly that was until she enters the cafe thats in their company building. This is run by a lovely lady and the whole company uses it especially at lunch time.

As Saoirse enters with Layla who has met her for lunch. She spots Eoin and some man at a table in the middle. Just as she queues she see a women in the tightest pair of black pants and red top approach the table. Im telling you them pants are painted on her. She casual wraps herself around Eoin who suddenly looks embarassed by her actions. Quietly loudly she says " Hey baby, did you miss me" drawing everyones attention to their table. Eoin struggles uncomfortably to remove her then his eyes lock with Saoirses and he looks scared but pleading too.

Normally Saoirse would have stormed out but this time she feels enraged by this womans attempt to suduce Eoin. Maybe is pregnancy hormones or the fact he is hers but shes raging.

Saoirse prov
Some excuse for a woman in panted on clothes has her arms wrapped around my eoin. What hes not mine no no no. Shit he is. I do actually love him always have. Fuck. I look over to see Eoin trying to remove her from him his eyes meet mine and i swear its like he is pleading for me to believe he has nothing with this woman he looks like hes going to cry. Ok i have had enough of this bitch.

I match over there and pull her off his lap rather roughly. She lands on the ground with a scream but jumps up at me. Layla stops her before she makes a move by warning her not to come closer. The cafe is deathly quiet now. Then this lady says " I'm Eoin fiance, Have been for months now. Isnt that right baby". Eoin is clearly shocked like he hasnt seen this lady in a very long time. He stutters out the word "fiance" to which she replies happily " yes baby ". Eoin seems to have collected his thoughts and says very loudly "FIANCÉ..Ruby we havent seen each other in years. We have never even dated let alone slept together. We were neighbours". Oh so her names Ruby. Well Ruby now looks pissed but before she replies she turns to me as she now notices Eoin standing by me and asks him "who is this bitch". Oh this is going to be fun.

Layla takes a step back and smirks, me i tell my Mouth to do your thing. " Oh I am so sorry let me introduce myself. Now listen good wont you. I am Saoirse Kelly. I met Eoin 4 years ago in Ireland. Love at first sight I think you called it Eoin". I turn and smirk at him. "Oh I am also the mother of Eoins kids so kindly keep ur hands off him". I hear loud gasps and whispers from the whole room. Ruby laughs calling me a liar but i carry on. " No no sweetheart I am not lying. Our Triplets are 4 years old just 5 and these little nuts are 14 weeks. So that would make me the mother of his 5 kids. Yes we had a break for a few years more on my part than his but here we are now. HAPPY. Also I hate to ruin your fantasy of marrying a billionaire who doesnt even consider you more that a childhood neighbour but I am his fiance not you sweetheart and dont even try say hes having an affair because Im with him 24/7 unless we shower seperately but that dont happen often", theres a few giggles around the room as i rub my belly to extra effect. By now Eoin has wrapped me in his arms pocessively. "Now ruby I suggest you run along and find some other fool and play this trick on him as my Eoin is taken for the next 50 plus years I growl. She stands there mouth opened and turns to Eoin before storming off.

I look at Eoin who looks like he has won the lotto and he simple whispers in my ear. "Our secrets out now princess for all to know also I love you too then he kisses me in front of everyone and I let him.

 My Babies Mystery Daddy.            (Completed March 2021)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat