chapter 20 - girl or boy

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3rd person prov (mature content ahead)

3 months

After that day in the canteen everything was out in the open and the news spread fast. Some people didnt believe there was any truth in it while others where shocked beyond belief that they were together. And that they were John's grandkids all along. No wonder they were so close. Saoirse has ignored the sly remarks and has chosen not to clear up the rumours. Let them has something in their boring lifes.

Saoirse has only been working 3 days per week now as she is entering her 27th week of pregnancy and her bump is getting bigger and heavier. If Eoin had his way she would be on bed rest. He is so over protective of her and the kids. They have been taking it very slowly getting to know each other on dates and he has been building a relationship with the triplets.

The house is been built and should be ready before the twins come. He has had builder working on it around the clock to make it perfect and to have it ready. For now Saoirse has been refusing to move in with him but Eoin is still very hopefull that they can be a proper family.

Eoins Prov
Today we are hopefully finding out what our babies genders will be. The last 3 times we have tried the babies have been hiding. We decided if it doesnt happen today then we will leave it for a surprise. We only need one to turn as they are identical twins. Saoirse is beyond stunning when pregnant. I never thought a beauty could become more stunning but she is.
We have been going on dates weekly and I'm at hers every evening with her and our kids. Its been great. I would not change a minute of it all and my 3 kids are adoreable, smart and I love them beyond belielf.

I walk out of my office and head for Saoirses it collect her for our app. Everytime I see her its like Im seen her for the first time all over again. I hold out my hand which she takes without thought and my heart skips a beat. I can tell shes nervous. She hasnt been 100% lately with pelvic pain and pressure. She said its normal but I am worried.

When we arrive at the clinic Leah greets us right away and leads us to her room. After the normal checks and questions Leah reassures me that Saoirse is in good health that the pressure is normal but if the pain gets worse in pelvis to call her and she will supply a pelvis support belt. She then proceeds with the scan of our babies. Omg the little rascals have their backs to us again so yep its going to be a surprise 🤪. Leah proceeds with her checks on the babies and reminds us that labour could happen any time from 35 weeks on so if she feels more than 4 pains in 60mins she needs to be seen in the hospital or clinic. Wtf my babies could b here in 8 weeks. Fuck im going be a dad. I know i am already but I missed their births Im not missing this one. I grab Saoirses had to thank her for the trillion time. Saoirse is staring at me strangely and then says the words that stop my world.

Saoirse's Prov

Im staring into Eoins eyes as he thanks me yet again and all I can think of is ripping his clothes off thanks to my hormones but also how I want him to be my only one.

"I love you Eoin" I say. He stops breathing and goes into a trance. I panic and try to sit up to shake him but he grabs me and kisses the living shit out of me. In between kisses he tells me over and over how he loves me and only me. Eoin lets take the day off, I say. He looks at me confused for a few sebonds before I run my my fingers down his chest and ask him to take me home. His smile says it all and thank god as these hormones are killing me. I has been so hard for months not to drag him to bed but i didnt want to give him false hope but Im beyond horny and He is all I want. Once in the car I text Layla asking can she take the triplets today after school for a few hours so me and Eoin could "talk". She replies straight away telling me she hopes we "talk" loads of times. I burst out laughing.

Eoins prov

Saoirse is laughing loudly and hard beside me Im guessing Layla said something. Why is this drive so long suddenly. I can't believe she actually loves me back. My heart actually stopped. Yeah I know I sound like a girl bit there was no way in hell I was losing her. She was made for me end of. We arrive at her house and before I step through her door her lips crash to mine. Shes pulling me in deeper her hands are roughly pulling my hair. Im not complaining but fuck she is going to kill me if I dont slow this down. I want to taste every bit of her starting now

I lift her gently onto the hall table and drop to my knees in front of her. She takes a deep breath as I pushed her dress up over her bump. I widened her legs kissing my way up to her black panties. "Fuck," I say as I quickly get rid of them while she softly moans. I skim my finger over over her clit and she suddenly becomes a moaning mess. I cant take it much more I let my mouth go to work. She gaspes pulling on my hair. Her moans are getting louder she doesnt care who hears her right now. I licked, sucked and nipped at her clit until she was screaming my name as she comes hard. Fucking hell she is stunning. Im that hard its sore. She falls against me as the last tremours leave her. I pick her up and head for her room.

 My Babies Mystery Daddy.            (Completed March 2021)Where stories live. Discover now