Chapter 10: Captain Flint's Trove

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*I'm going to state this story is pretty much at the final chapter of the movie but the story will continue, it's not solely going to be based around the movie I going to continue afterward which means new creative prospects for this story so I'm pretty excited. P.S. If you know what this reference is from ur instantly my best friend.*

"Father... Did you always know how to sail a boat?"

(Y/n) heard his daughter ask him from her perch on the overly large barrel beside him at the helm.

"The Legacy is a ship sweetheart, not a boat." (Y/n) responded patiently the ship eased on in space gently.

"But did you always know?" His daughter repeated impatiently.

"No, No I learned from a journey alongside your mother." (Y/n) answered with the patience and care that could only be spoken from the words of a wise father.

"I remember that story, Mother told me that one! Mother said you always talked about sailing a boat and making money." His Daughter said happily.

"I did always want to sail a ship, that's true but not for a lark. To support us, and you."

"Not us, Mother said you wanted to be rich and that you used to hate her when you both met." His daughter said seeing through his blatant lie.

(Y/n) hesitated as he held the helm the wheel shifted in his grip.

"That's all true and I'm sorry about that. I wasn't the best person in those days. Your mother helped me, I changed for the better. Because of her."

"Can I steer your boat?" His daughter asked happily.

"Boat? I see no Boat here. Do you?" (Y/n) said with playful amusement.

"I mean ship. Obviously, I don't see the difference anyway." His daughter said frustrated.

"Ah! It's a very simple one, Sweetheart. A Ship can carry a boat, but a boat can't carry a Ship."

"Why, then everything's a ship. Large and small, except for my toy boat that I take in the bath with me."

(Y/n) let out an amused chuckle.

"That's a clever way of seeing it." (Y/n) praised lightly.

"Do you think we'll see a...Orcid..Orcus.." (Y/n)'s Daughter struggled to say the overly complicated word.

"A Space Whale?" (Y/n) asked amused.

"Yeah! those!"

"Good lord, Doppler needs to stop teaching you the scientific names of animals. But yes, there's a very good chance."

"Mother teaches me big words too! She wants me to be more educated than the other kids at my school!"

"Of course she does." (Y/n) rolled his eyes playfully, then laughed out lightly. Suddenly his daughter beamed with excitement.

"Oh! Pirates! Will I see Pirates?"

(Y/n) paused and went silent.

"Er...No. There's not much chance of that, I think." (Y/n) stated.

"Well, that's too bad. I would've liked to have seen one." His Daughter stated a bit solemnly.

"Hm, Tell you what Sweetheart. As soon as these winds die a little, I'll let you steer the Legacy. One last trick of the helm."

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