Chapter 12: Goodbyes and New Adventures

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*Okay this shall be my first chapter free from the movie's plot and now I can introduce my own but first the new couple must set some boundaries and truly learn what they can stand from their partner and what they cannot!*

The morning light peaked through the blinds of the window curtains showering the room with Montressor's bright sun.

Light traced its way onto (Y/n)'s slumbering face his brows furrowed as the light stirred the man from his sleep.

(Y/n) grumbled as he turned over in the bed and adjust the covers over him. As the man shifted he heard someone beside him let out a grumble and shift as well, although the idea that he was sharing a bed with an unknown person should have bothered the man. 

Instead, he focused his attention on chasing that ever-elusive sleep he yearned for so desperately.

However unfortunately for (Y/n), he no longer was able to pursue that slumber so the man focused on staying in his current relaxed state, (Y/n) blinked his (E/C) eyes open and blinked in surprise at the sight before him.

There, on the other side of the bed inches away from him laid his dear Captain Amelia. She laid there in a deep slumber her arms tucked under her pillow whilst her chin rested on her bicep.

(Y/n) stared at her gentle relaxed face trying oh so desperately to remember the night prior wondering if they had, well you get the idea...

(Y/n) looked down at himself to find he had lost his shirt sometime in the night, as well as his boots as well as socks. 

Thankfully (Y/n) found he still had his pants on and strangely the red cloth he wore under his belt which held his pistols. The cloth remained tied in a knot on his waist (Y/n) then glanced at Amelia wondering if she was also somewhat modest or completely naked.

Just because he still had his clothes on did not mean it gives enough proof that they did not grow intimate in their drunken stupor.

(Y/n) softly grabbed the blankets draped over her slender body and gently lifted it wondering if Amelia was truly nude and given the man enough proof to panic about their supposed sexual night.

(Y/n) knew it was not a big deal to most but this was Amelia, Feline humanoid hybrid, and CAPTAIN Amelia.

He had no clue what would happen if they consummated, would she even become pregnant from him? Would they make Human-Felinid hybrids? Or could she not get pregnant at all?

(Y/n) let a breath of relief leave his mouth as he found her wearing a Flamingo Pink Nightgown that looked lovely on her.

(Y/n) smiled softly and tucked the blanket back over her form then laid back down.

As he watched her sleeping form protectively he thought back to her statement of love for him and briefly wondered if it was a drunken hallucination.

Quickly he disregarded the thought, she still would have never let him sleep in a bed with her if she hadn't declared her feelings for him.

(Y/n)'s smile grew as he hesitantly rested a hand on her cheek and massaged it with his thumb.

Amelia chuffed in her sleep and then smiled, she lifted her hand and rested it over his hand. Then her Sea-Green eyes fluttered open and her smile grew as she looked into his (E/C) eyes.

(Y/n) loved it when she let out those little chuffs he knew what they meant to felines. It was a noise they made when they were happy or with someone they liked.

Which made (Y/n)'s heart soar.

"Good Morning my dearest (Y/n)," Amelia said her voice was still laced with sleep.

Captain Amelia x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now