Chapter 3: Ready to make way.

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*I'm actually having a lot of fun writing this story.*

So, this is where he was to be left. Tied to the main mast as punishment, even after the good Captain had waltzed off (Y/n) to continue to struggle in his binds.

Surely something would come loose right?

Hopefully none of his arm sockets.

(Y/n) soon discovered that these ropes were in fact too tight to escape, he had to give credit to Captain Amelia she knew how to keep a prisoner.

So with nothing better to do (Y/n) did the only thing he thought would make time go by.

Try to go to sleep.

Which was a sound idea in theory but considering the fact that he was also tied to the mast it didn't provide much comfort.

So (Y/n) did doze in and out of sleep for the next few hours sometimes he would wake up from crew members walking by and laughing at his misfortune or just simply from a pained neck.

"All hands to stations!" Mr. Arrow shouted out to the crew members who rushed around startling (Y/n) awake.

"The hell?"  (Y/n) murmured still half asleep watching sailors rush about trying to find something to do.

"Loose all solar sails!" (Y/n) watched as the sailors climbed the shrouds and unfurled all sails. (Y/n) sort of wished he could sail again but not with this crew of bilge rats. 

Glancing up at the helm he scowled when he met Captain Amelia's gaze who in which was smirking proudly from her perch.

Breaking her stare she turned to her helmsman barking an order (Y/n) didn't hear nor did he really care for he was already thinking about how to get out of these ropes and having a 'word' with his dear Captain Amelia Smollett.

(Y/n) barely felt the gush of wind and the pull of the ship from takeoff fainting hearing the sound of someone thudding against a wall. 

(Y/n) shifted his arm and managed to get his arm into a more comfortable position which meant there was some leverage for him to work with. 

(Y/n) began to try to pull his arm out of the ropes with newfound enthusiasm. The promise of freedom was calling him like music to his ears.

Or maybe it was the bellows of the space whales.

(Y/n) glanced at the creatures not really surprised to see them they were a common sight out here except to new sailor of course. 

Or to the good doctor who had a mishap with one of the creature whilst trying to take a picture of one.

Making (Y/n) cackle with laughter at the Doctor's misfortune.

"Ah tis a grand day for sailin' Captain! And look at ya! Your as timid and bonny as a sloop with new sails and a fresh coat of paint." The cook, Mr.Silver stated in greeting to Captain Amelia.

(Y/n) stifled another laugh from the look of complete disinterest on Captain Amelia's face.

Glancing at (Y/n) for a moment with a protective gaze Captain Amelia looked back at Mr. Silver and addressed him.

"You can keep that kind of Flim-flammery for you spaceport floozy Silver!" Captain Amelia stated in annoyance.

A strange little blob on Mr.Silver's shoulder Morphed into a mini version of Captain Amelia and parroted her words while shifting its hips back and forth mockingly.

"Spaceport floozy! Spaceport floozy-" Mr.Silver stifled the little creatures mocking words by catching it in his hat and putting it on his head.

(Y/n) let out another amused chuckle which did not go unnoticed by Amelia.

Captain Amelia x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now