Chapter 16: Nightmares

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*I am surprised that you guys liked the previous chapter's theme. I thought it would be pretty out of place since there were no sailor myths in the movie, however, I am happy it received positive reviews considering it was a pretty much original concept I came up with for the lost souls. (If it's not actually an original idea and was in some kind of movie or game then I didn't know.) I hope that more of the original ideas I have for this book will also be interesting to you all too.

This chapter will be an Amelia-focused chapter and someone else... (Y/n) will not be shown but merely mentioned.

The song I listened to while writing this was Chippin' in By Samurai (If you know you know) just decided to let you guys know what kind of music keeps me motivated to write so that if you also write you might listen to it and be motivated too! 

Without further ado let us go back to our favorite Captain yeah?*

Amelia couldn't stop thinking about it.

It defied all science.

She was in her stateroom sitting at her desk playing with a pen in her hand slouched over her journal while resting her head in her other hand deep in thought. She had left (Y/n) in charge of the Legacy.

How was it possible she had seen such a thing before in all her thirty-five years of life in this galaxy, she had not ever seen such a display of a spectral appearance. She never even believed in such nonsense.

Yet not a few hours prior a whole crew of dead pirates attacked her vessel.

It was mind-boggling, It was stunning, It was...


It made Amelia ponder what truly happens to a creature's soul? Is it really as (Y/n) sung?

Eternal happiness or Woe?

Amelia toyed with the belief personally, she never had time to really focus on a lifestyle of faith.

Now, however...

She truly wondered what was in store? Was that why those lost souls tried staying behind? Did they fear what was to be their fate chosen by their god? 

 Amelia let out a shudder.

Did they fear the potential punishment of damnation?

Of Hell?

Amelia shifted her pen and softly scribbled, shading the floating figure of a man. A perfect imitation of one of the lost souls.

She had finished writing an account of what happened the hours prior describing the situation down to the last detail, it was still fresh in her mind after all. 

And she doubted it would leave her mind anytime soon. 

She felt a pang of pity for the poor sailors who died for the mistake of fear, of fearing something they didn't understand.

(Y/n) ordered the crew to give those who died a proper rest, the crew obeyed fearing the consequences, knowing full well what was to happen if they did not.

Amelia wrote the names of those who died into her journal as well as writing a cross beside the name.

She had done that for every sailor she ever lost.

Including Mr. Arrow.

Did he become lost as well?

Amelia blinked back tears.

No, no she would not think about that.

Amelia needed to keep her attention on her journal she needed to keep a record account of what transpired out there.

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