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So funny story about this prompt...I have online school right now and for part of an assignment, I had to send in a picture of my math work. Simple, right? I had found this five minutes earlier to save for a future Wattpad one shot (this one). In my haste to turn in my math work, I accidentally sent this instead of my work, but I had no idea until WEEKS LATER. I facepalmed at first but then had a good laugh thinking about my teacher seeing this instead of some work on calculating and making a scale model of one of the pyramids.  Luckily, my teacher let me send him the real work instead of the screenshot above. Anyway, with that funny encounter in mind, here is just a fun one-shot of Nondrian. Enjoy!

¨Are you blushing?¨ Adrian looked up and down in amazement at Nova's cherry-red cheeks. 

¨What? NO.......¨ Nova denied despite the obvious flush on her face. 

¨Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, kick-butt Nova Artino to blush?¨ Adrian was grinning with delight as he looked at his girlfriend up and down. 

¨I'm not always stoic!¨Nova added defensively. 

¨Changing the subject too. My, my, Nova, are my compliments too much for you to take?¨ 

¨Don't flatter yourself. It's just cold.¨ Nova grumbled. 

¨Huh. It's just cold. And it's totally not because I said that 'your face was freaking adorable and I bet that the rest of you is too?' 

Nova did her best to glare at Adrian, her winter gear making it hard to do it properly. And of course, at that moment he leaned down to peck her on the lips. 

¨For the record, Nova, I already know that you are adorable, whether you will admit it or not. Teasing you and seeing you blush does nothing to contradict the fact.¨

¨Oh be quiet.¨ 

¨You still love me.¨ Adrian added. 

¨Love is not the question. It is whether or not you'll end up flat on your face if you continue your train of thought at the current moment.¨ Nova threatened.

¨Okay, but only if you promise to admit how adorable you are.¨

¨Not happening.¨

¨Fine, I'll stop but only because I love you.¨

¨Good choice.¨

Okay, pretty short, but I am trying to update more now so I hope I will be forgiven. Plus, I am working on some bigger ones when I have time as well. So what's new with y'all? (In  Northern Alabama, it's snowing. EEEEKKKKK!!! Yay for me! I was born in Utah and I miss seeing snow in Alabama where I have grown up for most of my life.) 

Hope everyone is doing well and let me know what you liked and disliked in the comments. Until then, adieu to you and you and you! 

Renegade Oneshots (Nova x Adrian)Where stories live. Discover now