Memes to Short Ideas or Small Snippets...Part 1?

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Okay, personally, I've looked at this and pictured Nova trying to surprise Adrian but pretended she was checking his security or something. I don't know. So I'm going to try to just write something out, probably like a ten-minute speed write because it sounds fun and I'll post it. If y'all don't like this, I'll take more time in the future (and take this down if needed). I just need something to fuel my dopamine.

As Nova skulked across the wood of Adrian's apartment, her ears were heavily aware of the painfully loud creaks in the building. Even with light footsteps, the building was reminiscent of a creaky old rocking chair. While her soft step was masked by the other inhabitants of the building, it was still too loud for comfort.

And that became blatantly clear when Adrian's door started to creep open. Somehow, a lightweight wooden door on an old frame sounded like a screeching dying coyote even if you skillfully pick the lock. It was almost like she was destined to be caught.

It didn't matter though. She was almost ready to finish and try to sneak out the window. The door had been too noisy to risk previously, so she'd lock it and be on her way. Adrian would never know the gifts were from her. She couldn't stand knowing that she had been a bit more spendy on him than she was on herself with any of the paychecks. He'd probably try to smother her with more sandwiches and snuggles, which although wonderful, felt like a bit more than she could enjoy with a straight face.

But, as she pictured his smile, she almost considered taking credit for the idea but then remembered she would melt like soft serve in the Sahara and that was not the point of this excursion. Maybe she would work her way up to it, but for now, it felt too...weird. They hadn't really even been truly dating that long yet in the sense of relationships.

They had kissed a couple of times sure, but still. It was so new and beautiful and fresh and she didn't want to ruin the simplicity of it all yet. But she she still wanted to give him something because it had been about 6 months since their first real kiss. It was a silly milestone in the grand schemes of relationships (as far as she had gathered). Plus, there were things still yet to be figured out, like if he could like her out with all the baggage she carried.

And so, she had snuck in, left takeout on the counter, a package, and a forged note in Ruby's handwriting. Nothing would be too suspicious about it as long as it was someone who knew where the spare key was. She spent a minute more arranging the dinner before packing up the damning evidence of her presence. The bag was filled with the receipts but as she finished packing up her things, the door creaked and the floorboards betrayed someone's presence. Curses. Adrian's timing was impeccably terrible for her dedication to secrecy.

She considered leaping as far as she could, but that would do no good. So she froze like a deer in the headlights as Adrian's form became visible in the doorway of the kitchen. His eyes alighted with surprise and suspicion when he saw her frozen in her stance.

A small smirk grew across his face. "What are you doing here?"

"The door was unlocked," Nova lied hurriedly. Adrian's key jingled in his hand, betraying her statement.

Adrian's eyebrow lifted in a knowing look. "No, it wasn't. I always check my locks before leaving."

Before Nova's mouth could fully process her thoughts, her mouth betrayed her. "It was after I picked it." She winced shortly after the admission, feeling no better than a stalker. It wasn't the first time she had been in his apartment and he knew she could easily enter but still.

Adrian chuckled at her blatantly obvious shame and embarrassment. His eyes held a glitter of humor as his eyes examined Nova, his apartment, and the small surprise on the counter. "Were you not planning to stick around for dinner? You've left enough for me to eat a couple of meals."

"Well, I didn't know what you liked," Nova admitted. "And--well, I'm sure you're busy and I really should get going and--"

Adrian's hand traced the small of her back and he lifted her chin to look in his eyes. "Were you really going to leave me all this food and flee before I could properly thank you?"

"I mean, I wasn't really planning on letting you know upfront it was me and--"

Adrian cut her off with a gentle firm kiss, pulling her further into his arms as her neurons short circuited. Her argument evaporated and probably a few brain cells in the process. He laughed as he pulled away from her astonishment. Her cheeks were bright red and butterflies tickled her stomach.


"Thank you for the food, I appreciate it. I'd appreciate it more if you stayed a while with me. It's been a long day and I'd like some Nova time, if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, sure. If you'd like, I bought enough for a small army."

Adrian's eyes lighted with a smile. "I can tell." His hand drifted to the counter and he seized the boxes and note that Nova had forgotten to grab back. His eyebrow raised again as he looked at her. "You forged a note in Ruby's handwriting?"

"You weren't supposed to see that!" She desperately tried to seize the note back before he could fully read it. Adrian raised the note above her. Nova considered distracting him with a kiss or lightly kicking the back of knees to steal back the note as she jumped to grab the incriminating evidence.

Adrian swept her up with one arm as he examined the note. " What, were you were too scared to claim credit?" Instead of answering, Nova reached desperately for the note. Adrian set down the paper and swept Nova closer into his arms. She squirmed a bit as he looked down on her red cheeks.

"Come on, Nova, there's no need to be modest or secretive. You know that I love you, why did you feel the need to hide it?"

Nova's blush deepened with embarrassment and she fought her urge to curl into her hair and herself while Adrian firmly held her in his arms. "I just thought that you'd be too tired or--I don't know. I didn't want to come off too strong while bringing over dinner. You know that I like you and--"


"I just didn't want to push anything." Adrian's eyes softened into a knowing smile as he kissed her forehead. Nova's body slowly melted away as the tension left her body.

"I think after we eat dinner, you need a good helping of kisses and cuddles. You're not pushing anything, I promise, as long as you'd like to stay, okay?"


Adrian set her down, hand framing her waist. He leaned down into her once again, guiding her head. Their lips collided into a harmonic alignment and thoughts of insecurity flew from Nova's mind. It was just her, Adrian, and a long, long moment of his lips against hers. And nothing could have been more perfect than that.

Alright, I will say that this one-shot was supposed to be short, but it ran away from me. Hope it was enjoyable, I'm going to post this with minimal editing. Just a little treat with two one-shots back to back. It's my gift to you. Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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