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Adrian sat up in bed, feeling a little bit giddy at the proposition of Christmas morning. It was his favorite holiday. He walked down the stairs and looked at the tree in their parlor. There was various wrapped packages, including the gift he had gotten Nova. He was planning to surprise her with it after he opened presents with his dads. 

Walking into the kitchen, he saw his dads, already working on their brunch. He saw food stacked high, and knew there would be leftover for days, like always.

When the stove was turned off, they ate until they could barely move. It was a competition between the three of them to see who could eat the most. Even though Max had joined them this year when he lost his powers, they had decided to let him sleep in and leave him a sizeable plate of food. This year, it was Hugh who took the cake, devouring three plates of food, including sausages, pancakes, and scones. 

Adrian sighed, knowingly fully well he probably would never beat his dads, but it was fun to try. As he walked towards the tree, he heard a buzzing noise. Glancing around the room, he realized the communicator was inside the couch. On the screen was a message from Nova. Hey, sorry to intrude on your Christmas, but can you talk?

Adrian moved outside, motioning to his dads as they picked out presents to open when he came back. Pressing the communicator, he called Nova who picked up on the first ring. "Hey," she said, her voice defeated and tired, but from what, he knew not.

"Hey Nova. Where are you? You don't sound so good." Adrian's voice was worried as he waited for her response. She took a shaky breath, and didn't reply for a moment.

"Would you believe that I am happily unwrapping presents?" She asked, sounding hopeful.

" I would if you weren't calling me sounding like you witnessed a huge fight or had a long day at work." Adrian said, only half jokingly. "Do you want to come over? I know that you were planning to come over soon but I need to give you your present anyway."

"I'll just come early. See you soon. Bye." Her voice was gone and Adrian rejoined his dads. Simon gave him a questioning look. "Nova is coming over earlier than she was planning."

"So she will probably be here soon," he summed up. Adrian nodded as he absent mindedly picked out presents for his parents to unwrap. Simon wiggled his eyebrows, and Adrian rolled his eyes. "So what did you get her?"

"You'll see soon enough," Adrian said, as vaguely as possible. Adrian thought of his present and the weeks of searching through shops trying to find the perfect gift. It had been exhausting but the finished result was something Adrian could be proud of.

"I'll go get Max up," Hugh said, walking up the stairs to the newly reclaimed room Mac had received.

The doorbell rang and Adrian nearly fell on his face getting it open. So when Adrian ended up falling after the door swung open, Nova chortled, seeing Adrian looking up sheepishly. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stood with her stuff in hand.  Eventually, she wiped her eyes.

"Hey klutz," Nova teased.

"To be fair, the floor put a good fight. It smacked me a few times but I think I won," Adrian shot back.

"Oh no, it definitely won. Adrian, I already get that you are head over heels for me. No need to cause brain damage over a fight with the floor." Nova quipped. She set down her wrapped packages and helped pull him to his feet. Then she grabbed it and sat down on the couch, opposite both his dads who had claimed a bean bag and a comfy chair and had two presents each.

Max had decided to join them, sitting on the couch, tears rolling down his face as he shook with laughter. "Smooth, Romeo." Adrian ruffled his hair and didn't bother defending himself. He wouldn't hear the end of it anyway.

Adrian claimed his spot in between Max and Nova, who had been handing each other the presents. Adrian was handed two presents and they went around, each opening one present. Nova smiled as Simon held up her present, and Adrian snorted. It was the giant doll of Simon from the carnival. She offered no explanation to the rest of the room looked at them oddly as she and Adrian chortled for five minutes.

"Private jokes," Adrian offered. Max rolled his eyes and watched Nova expectantly as she opened his present. The paper was a little roughed up but the present inside was undamaged. Tears came to her eyes as she saw what was inside. It was a scrapbook and the cover was a sketch of her family. "Adrian helped, but it was my idea and we kinda coordinated with our gifts. If you want you can add pictures near the end," he explained.

"But how...did you???" She trailed off.

"A lot of work, research, and some guesswork. Hope you don't mind. I know you miss them, and--," Max was cut off by Nova.

"It's perfect. Thank you, both of you. Where's your gift, Adrian?" Nova asked.

Adrian grabbed the small box and handed it to her. She opened it, revealing the locket, a small, silver heart decorated simply. It latched together and could hold two tiny pictures. Inside was two of Adrian's sketches. One was of her with their Renegades team and the other was a copy of the family portrait but smaller.

"I thought both your old and new family both deserved a spot," Adrian added sheepishly. She kissed him, and his blush made his cheeks cherry red.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Nova smiled and then urged Adrian to open his present, which was a giant set of very costly art supplies.

The day went on and they received visits from Ruby, Oscar and Danna who came bearing treats and a few wrapped packages. Pleasantries were exchanged and they all went back to their holiday festivities.

Christmas dinner was no less grand than breakfast, except for maybe better manners. Nova ate nearly as much as food as Simon and Hugh, gobbling down juicy meat and washing it down with plenty to drink.

The evening was relatively quiet as board games were played and everyone started to wind down.

Around ten, Nova gathered her things as she prepared to leave. "I'll drive you home," Adrian offered. They made her way onto the porch and Adrian noticed something that hadn't been there: mistletoe.

Adrian hinted at the mistletoe and as Nova noticed, she said,"Merry Christmas, Adrian." Their lips met and Christmas day screeched to a halt just for that moment. Simple and sweet like how it should be.

As they stopped for a moment, Adrian smiled and replied," Merry Christmas to you too, Nova."

Renegade Oneshots (Nova x Adrian)Where stories live. Discover now