A Kidnapping Nightmare (AU)

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Adrian liked Nova a lot, more than he cared to admit sometimes. Today, he had managed to snagged a date with a her at a her favorite museum. She seemed so fascinated with information that it seemed a fun date for her.

Nova was like a sponge, soaking up the information faster than Adrian could provide. Her curiosity was endearing and her enthusiasm for such small things made Adrian smile. It was childlike and something Adrian had slowly lost after his mom had been killed in action. 

The museum had been filled with ancient artifacts to the brim. Weapons, scrolls, pottery and various ancient tools littered the walls and Nova took them all in with various degrees of excitement and studying. Her awe-inspired look made Adrian smile.

"This is amazing. How did you know," Nova wondered.

"Know what," Adrian asked, confused by the question.

"Know that I would love this so much. You're not the hugest fan of museums. I know that you would probably prefer an action movie or a restaurant to this," Nova stated matter-of-factly.

"Let's just say your thirst for knowledge is infectious. Do you want to check the Espionage wing while we're here?" Adrian

"Is the Pope Catholic?" Nova shot back cheekily. Adrian chuckled at that and walked towards the tour heading that direction.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bulky man following them with specific interest. They continued walking towards the Espionage Wing, filled with delicate tech. The man followed silently, with little noise. He moved stealthily but not unnoticed by Adrian and others stationed around the gallery.

Adrian acted as normally as possible. There was no need to worry Nova if the man just happened to want to join the tour group, though it was highly doubtful, given the circumstances. Either way, he didn't want Nova to hate going on dates with him. This was their fourth date, but progress made could easily become progress shattered. Still, Adrian knew the look of an hunter in motion. He had been hunted, and nearly kidnapped as many times as he had been hunted.

Kidnapping was not uncommon because of his status. Simon Westwood and Hugh Everheart, his famous celebrity parents, who were action stars in billion-dollar flicks. People were hungry for the money his fathers would pay to release Adrian, ransom for his life. Adrian had learned how to defend himself through training at gyms and his own experience.

Nova pulled Adrian close and whispered in his ear," I am assuming that you noticed the thug shadowing us. Do you know him?"

Adrian shook his head slowly and turned to face the exhibit, whispering into her ear,"Kiss me."

"What?" Nova whispered back.

"Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable. When he looks away, we can slip outside unnoticed," Adrian motioned to the door and looked at Nova expectantly.

"Yes they do. Besides you just want a reason to kiss me." Nova accused.

Adrian didn't deny that he wanted to kiss Nova but he did feel it was a good plan to get away.  Instead of countering, he kissed her full on the lips. Nova, who had been expecting it, kissed him back fiercely.

It was passionate but short-lived. The sparks flying made him long for more. Nova was an amazing kisser. All good things must come to an end, sadly, like the kiss they shared.  When Adrian saw the man look away, Nova pulled them outside into the alleyway.

"I gotta go," Nova said hurriedly.

"Let me walk you part of the way. I don't want to leave you alone unless I have to," Adrian insisted.

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