CH 1- New Beginnings

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Adelaine POV-


I rolled over and pressed off on the alarm clock. The blinking numbers read, '2:00 a.m.' I pushed myself out of bed and sleepily wandered out of my room and into the bathroom across the hall. After taking care of my business and brushing my teeth, I walked back into my room and pulled out my white and blue diner uniform. 15 minutes later I was dressed and ready to go. 


*13 minutes later*

As I pulled up to Hal's diner, I could see the few truckers eating inside. Hal's is a locally owned restaurant that was started by Hal Calvin and his wife Jenni. They are a nice older couple who gave me this job when my siblings and I first moved here. They've done so much to help me out; working odd hours, getting payed under the table, and having my siblings come with me most days were things not all bosses would have allowed. 

I am eternally grateful for their generosity. They remind me a bit of my parents; however, where my parents were more reserved and quiet, these two are loud  and upfront with their love. I got out of the car and felt the chill of the morning. It wasn't quite winter yet, but apparently someone forgot to tell mother nature that. 

"Hiya, Adi." Jill, another server who works this shift, yells at me as soon as I enter.

"Hi Jill. Is the coffee on?" I asked.

"Yep, go on and make yourself a cup, hun. You get yourself ready and then take tables 6-12." She replied.

Jill is really nice too. We split the tables, but she always takes mine until I'm fully ready to get to work. Often, we have competitions to see who can get the most tips. She usually wins because she's worked longer and is more flirty with the customers. My generic blonde hair and brown eyes are nothing compared to her fiery red curls, and she has a lot more confidence in herself. I tend to just work hard and get the customers what they need without a fuss. 

After I finish my coffee, I head out and begin working my tables. There's not many people there as early as I start, but soon enough more customers start walking in. After what seems like a few hours, I check the clock and see it's already 7:00. 

Shoot! My shift is over, I need to get home.

I quickly grab my stuff and clock out, yelling a quick goodbye to Jill and the other worker who is set to take over for me. When I arrive home, I park my car and head inside to start my day. I have to get the kids up and ready because it is our first day of school. 

After I wake up Wyatt, Katie, and Dylan, we all quietly get ready for the day (we do not want to wake up our Uncle). Our uncle became our legal guardian after our parents died. Honestly, I didn't even know we had an Uncle; my dad nor my mom ever talked about him and now I can see why.

He's a drunk, who really couldn't care less whether we lived or died, but he's also the only family we've got left. There was no way I was letting the state get us and separate us, so I took over the parental role and it works out for everyone. 

On our way to school, I ask everyone if they are excited for their first days. As usual, the twins begin talking immediately.

"Oh yes! I am so excited, I am going to make a ton of friends and first grade is going to be so awesome." Dylan said.

"Ya!!! I can't wait to meet all my new friends, and my teacher. I bet she is so nice and funny. Wouldn't that be so cool if she was like mom?" Katie says enthusiastically. 

Wyatt and I both tense at the mention of our mom. The twins were too young to really appreciate what happened, but it's still hard for Wyatt and I to talk about.

"Ya, Bug. That would be cool, but don't get too sad if she's not exactly like Mom. Everyone has their own personalities. And Dyl, I'm sure you are going to make tons of cool friends. Remember to look after Katie today, though, ok? Family stays together and you're the older brother so you have to watch out for her." I say to them. 

They both nod their heads and start talking to each other in their creepy twin telepathy way. I look at the passenger seat. 

"What about you, Wy? Are you excited to try out for the school's football team?" 

"Ya, it should be cool. I think I have a pretty good chance at making varsity. I'm going to work really hard and then, one day, I'll get us out of this place." He said, looking out the window. 

Wyatt had a rough time moving in with my Uncle. They are complete opposites and butt heads a lot. I try to take the brunt of my Uncle's anger, so the younger kids don't get hurt, but Wy is really protective. At 12 years old, he is already close to towering over my 5'10 height, so it's harder to stop him when he goes into protective brother mode. 

"That's great, Wy. You could definitely make varsity. For one, you're growing like a weed and two, your spiral is amazing! But don't worry about the other stuff, ok? I'm the oldest, so you let me do all the worrying." I said, while playfully hitting him in the arm. He just sighed and continued to look out the window. 

I finally pull up to the school and put my beat up, old, 2010 Jeep Wrangler in park. Piling the kids out of the car, we head over to the main office to receive our schedules. As I open the door and walk in, I am suddenly knocked over by a wall. 

A wall? There shouldn't be a wall here.

I look up and see not a wall, but one of the most handsome and gigantic men I have ever seen.

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