CH 36- Without Her

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Nathan POV-

*2 Days Later*

It's finally Monday and after a long weekend of doing nothing but sitting in my room wallowing, I've decided I need to try to get my girl back. I know I said that I'd give her time, but the past weekend has taught me that I literally cannot live without her. I've texted her everyday since the fight and she's never responded. I still plan to text her though, at least until she tells me to "fuck off" or I finally get a second chance. 

Sadly, it's winter break, so I won't be able to see her at school or anything. We do have practice today, though, so I think I'm going to try to get the guys to fill me in. I just need to know if she's okay or not.

Of course she's not ok. You hurt her you asshole. 

Not even trying to deny my inner thoughts, I continue the drive to the football stadium. This is also my first time seeing any of the guys or Wyatt. Since they all heard how much of a dick I was, they haven't said a word to me. I've gotten a few from Candace, but that's mainly because she's still pissed and the 'words' are just cuss words. 

After getting to the stadium, going to the locker room, changing, and then heading to the field, I finally see the group I need to talk to. Running over, I set my gear down and slowly head towards Wyatt, Jingles, Tank, and Mouse. Tank sees me first and his smile instantly drops into a malicious sneer. He taps Wyatt and that makes them all turn. I just ignore their glares and walk into the circle. 

"Umm hi. Look, I know you guys hate me, but I just need to know how Lainey is. Please. Just let me hear if she's ok." I plead hesitantly. I watch as Wyatt's glare turns into a look of pure anger. 

"You don't get to say her name. And you know what, she's not fine. All because of you, so I recommend you fuck off before I make you." He sneers out.

"Please, Wy. You have to let me talk to her." I say. 

This is apparently the very wrong thing to say because Wyatt's eyes turn deadly and before I know it, I feel a fist connecting with my jaw. He has me on the ground in seconds, pounding into me, but I just lay there. 

You deserve this.

She's hurt because of you. 

I continue to lay there, as those gut-wrenching thoughts rip through my head. Even though Wyatt is smaller and his hits probably won't leave a mark for more than a few days, I know it's helping him get his anger out. I wait until I guess someone decides it's been long enough and he's pulled off me. I sit up to see Tank and Mouse holding him back, while our teammates and coaches rush over. 

"What the hell happened?" Coach yells. 

"I was beating this no good, son of a bitch into the ground for hurting my sister. That's what happened and I'd like to get back to it." Wyatt bites out, looking no less angry or sorry. 

"Scott! You know the rules. I don't tolerate fighting, no matter what. You have shit, leave it off this damn field. Go pack your stuff, you're suspended until next year." Coach says to him. 

No way is that happening. 

"I provoked him. The fight was my fault and no action should be taken against him." I state out and begin to stand, so I'm in front of coach. 

"O'Conner, I'm not an idiot. I saw the whole thing." Coach says. 

"Well you saw wrong. Nothing happened here but a couple of guys rough housing. The punishment for that is sprints, not a suspension." I say confidently. 

"This true?" He asks Wyatt, who just looks at me dumbfounded and nods his head. 

"Fine. Both of you stay after for sprints. And the rest of you, get off your lazy asses and let's start practice." Coach yells and blows his whistle. 

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