CH 10- Wandering Dreams

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Adelaine POV-

I was still reeling about Nathan's sweet goodnight, while I walked up to put the kids to bed. He was so sweet and kind tonight.

It would be pretty easy to fall in love with him. 

What? NO! What am I thinking, I can't put my siblings at risk like that. 

No, you just don't want to take a risk yourself. 

Shaking my head, I stop my inner dialogue and continue to my siblings' room. 

*Knock Knock* 

Hearing a 'come in' I enter into their room. I can see that Katie is already tucked into her bottom bunk with Dylan the same on his top. Wyatt is sitting up on his bed, across the room, texting someone on his phone.

"Ok, kiddos. Time for bed." I say as I walk over to the bunk bed. Standing on the bottom rail, I place a kiss on Dylan's forehead. 

"Goodnight Dyl. Sleep well buddy. Thank you for being such a good helper today. I love you."

"Love you too Lainey. Goodnight." With that he turns over and closes his eyes, as I move down to the bottom bunk.

"Sweet dreams, bug. I'll see in the morning. I love you."

"Love you more Lainey. Don't let the bed bugs bite." She says with a small giggle before turning over like her brother. Next, I walk over to Wyatt's bed; seeing him still sitting up, I take a seat next to him on the bed.

"Hey, bud. You ok? I know today was a lot, but it will get better." I say with concern, seeing his solemn look. 

"Ya, I'm good. I'm just worried about you. I can't trust that you'll tell me how bad things really are now. And I'm sorry I went all protective brother mode, I'm guessing that's why you didn't want to tell me." He says, looking down at his hands. 

He is way too observant for his own good. 

"Hey, look at me." I say as he turns to face me. "First, I'm sorry I didn't tell you how much my leg hurt. I just didn't want you to stress out anymore. I promise to tell you honestly how bad something is, if you promise to trust that how I'm handling it is the right thing for our family."

"Ok. I promise. Love you Lainey."

"I love you too sweetie. Now sleep well, I'll try to be home from work early tomorrow, so we don't keep Nathan waiting." I reply and begin to walk out of the room, but stop when I hear Wyatt call my voice. Turning around I see him look a little guilty. 

"Actually, Nathan and I kind of already called the Diner and told them you wouldn't be in." I look at him in disbelief and am about to start yelling again, but he speaks up before I can.

"Look, please don't be mad. Neither Nate nor the diner folks know what's happening. We just told them that you fell and hurt your knee. Hal was worried until we told him you were fine and he said that you are taking the rest of the week off even if he has to chain you to your bed. His words, not mine." I laugh a little at Hal's antics. I'm actually not that mad, I was already dreading going to work and I'm so glad I won't have to worry about that for a while.

"Fine, but don't go behind my back like that again. I need this job and I don't want to do anything to risk it." I tell him. I'm about to leave again when I hear Katie, who I thought was asleep, speak up.

"Lainey, I like Nate. He's like a big teddy bear, and he's really cute. I think he 'like, likes' you because he kept looking at you all night. He would be fun to have around." She says without sitting up. 

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