CH 3- First Impressions

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Nathan POV-

It's been a week since that beauty ran into me. The first time I saw her, all I could think was that God had sent down an Angel for me. She was gorgeous with her long blonde hair and delectable brown eyes. She was tall, around 5'10 I'm guessing, but wasn't a stick like those starving models. She had curves in all the right places and mile long legs. 

Dang, I already have it bad for this girl and she's barely spoken 5 words to me. And that's my problem; she seems like she's avoiding me. I have no clue, what I did; I mean I've always been popular, that's no secret, but I never thought of myself as some cocky douchebag that lets it get to my head. I have tried everything; I sit next to her in every class, offer to carry her books, open doors, and try to start conversations. But she never accepts me.

When I caught her that first day, I felt the goosebumps on her arms that my touch left. I saw her checking me out, so I know she at least has some attraction to me, but she won't let me inside those walls she has up. Don't worry though, I've got a plan. One that will hopefully get me into that pretty little head of hers. 


*Monday, at school*

I got to school early today to see if I could meet up with Adelaine and her siblings before homeroom starts. As I'm looking for her old Jeep, I see her walking with her siblings. Wyatt is carrying her backpack, while Dylan and Katie hold hands both with solemn looks on their faces. I look at Adelaine and... WAIT! Is she limping? Ya, she is. She's favoring her left  side. I quickly run over to their group to see what's up. 

"Hey" I call to them as I get close, trying to sound lighthearted but I'm worried. 

Upon closer inspection I can see Katie looks like she's been crying and Wyatt looks pissed to all heck. Adelaine looks up and for a brief second I saw something close to fear and pain in her eyes, but she quickly tamps it down. 

"Umm. Hi Nathan, what are you doing here so early? I thought football players wake up late and barely make it to school on time. Well, at least that's the case with this numskull here." She says, smiling and pointing to Wyatt. 

I can tell she's trying to act happy, but her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes and when she moves her arm to playfully punch Wyatt, I see her grimace in pain. 

"Eh, I guess I just couldn't sleep today," I lied, not wanting her to know the real reason I was here so early. 

"Is everything ok with you guys? How come you are walking to school now? And why do you look in pain, Angel?" Her eyes flash with shock, as if it was weird that someone were asking is she was ok, and she goes to answer but Wyatt steps in first. 

"Her car broke down this morning. We didn't have time to get it fixed before school, so we had to walk. Lainey, why don't you tell him why you are in pain." He says with a pointed look at Adelaine. She glares at him and turns back to me. 

"Oh, no reason. Haha, me being my usual clumsy self tripped on the front porch this morning. I think I just tweaked my knee a bit and got a couple bruises. I really need to be more careful, but I mean things happen." She says with a slight lift in her voice. 

Wyatt sighs and glares at her. Dylan and Katie just look at their sister and then stare at the sidewalk, refusing to make eye contact with me. 

"I'm sorry. You should have called me, I could have given you guys a ride. I gave Wyatt my number a few days ago, incase he ever wanted to meet up to throw the ball around." I watch Adelaine's surprised face before she returns another glare to Wyatt. 

Hmm, I wonder what's going on between them. 

They're probably just having some sibling quarrel, no biggy. 

Ya, I guess.

"That's really nice of you to offer. I didn't realize he had your number. But it was no problem, it was good to get a little exercise in before class. Right guys?" She asks the other's with a pointed look. The twins just nod their heads and continue looking at the ground, while Wyatt looks at his sister like she's crazy.

"Well, I would love it you would let me drive y'all home after school today. Actually, that takes me to the reason I came over. I was wondering if Wyatt wanted to stay after school for a bit and get some extra practice in? Tryouts are coming up, so I figured you might be a bit nervous, and then after, I can just take y'all home; if you don't mind staying after school for a bit, of course." I say to the group. 

Adelaine looks hesitant and is about to speak, to I'm sure say no, when Wyatt speaks up first. 

"Ya, man that would be great! I am getting more nervous so I would love the extra practice and I know these three wouldn't mind waiting for a ride home. I got to run, but I'll see you on the field after school." He quickly puts down his sister's backpack and scurries off.

I watch as Adelaine looks surprised and then angry. She tells Katie and Dylan to "stay here" and chases off after Wyatt, catching him before he goes into the building. 

I stand with the twins, and watch Wyatt and Adelaine talk. It looks really heated, with a lot of hand gestures. I can see them both have tears in their eyes, until Lainey gets in Wyatt's face and says something. 

They both look ready to cry, but walk away seeming in better relations. Lainey comes back, picks up her bag (with a grunt of pain), takes Dylan and Katie's hands and walks off without another word. Leaving me to stand there wondering what the heck just happened. 

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