Chapter 28

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  Addison blankly glided her knife down the long piece of wood, jaw clenched as she sharpened it to a point, and watched some of the wood shavings flake into the fire she's near, while the rest fell into the mud on and around her boots.

Addison blankly glides her knife down the long piece of wood, her jaw clenching as she sharpens it to a point and watches some of the wood shavings flake into the fire she's near while the rest fall into the mud on and around her boots. The events from days ago are still fresh in her mind, the mixture of anger and sadness always present. She'll be fine one minute then snap the next, her moods having become unpredictable. Just after the events unfolded, Addison had snapped when a delinquent looked her way with the wrong expression, and now, he's got a broken nose.

Since she broke the poor kid's nose, everyone's kept their distance from her, except the select few that can tolerate her and her cold exterior she's gained. She's pushed Jasper, Monty, and even Liam away, all so she doesn't have to face the truth and reality of it all. Despite her boyfriend healing from his stab wound, Raven's been helping her more than others, constantly talking about nonsense to keep Addison's mind busy. Everyday, Raven's been checking on the girl, having made it a daily routine that Addison's come to notice.

It warmed the parts of her heart that ached and felt cold that Raven's been there for her, not once shying away when she snaps. All the times Raven's merely given Addison an, 'are you done?' face with crossed arms and a lifted brow when she snaps, made the younger brunette think of Octavia and how even after she confessed about killing Avery Williams, Octavia has never judged or been scared of her. Any sane person would've disregarded Addison like a dirty napkin and she was scared, terrified that Octavia would, but she didn't, and Addison loved-liked it.

At the mere thought of the raven-haired girl, the gliding of her knife became harsher down, what's going to be, a spear. The kiss Dawson sprung on her truly surprised her, and she wouldn't have been so upset if it was sprung on quietly; preferably not in Octavia's line of sight. The look in those green eyes Addison can get lost in has been permanently imbedded in her head...every second of everyday and all throughout the night.

    Five days ago

The look of hurt and betrayal was clear as day in her green eyes, Addison's heart immediately stopping, and time stopping with it. Everything around her drowns out, except Octavia; the chatters of delinquents, branches and debris being moved from one side of camp to the other, the slushing of mud beneath a passersby boots... All she can hear is the rapid pulse of her heart pumping and the quickness of her breath in her ears.

She's barely able to take a step forward before Octavia's down the ramp at a speed she didn't know was possible. Addison goes to follow after her, but a hand around her wrist stops her. She doesn't look their way, her jaw clenching as she watches Octavia's figure quickly get smaller and smaller.

"Dawson, if you don't let me go right now, I will hurt you." Addison gets out through gritted teeth, her eyes locking with Liam's confused one's across camp when Octavia's figure disappears.


She spins around, "Don't you think you've done enough already?!" Addison shouts, her voice echoing throughout camp.

Dawson remains silent, his blue eyes drilling into Addison's deep brown ones. "What the hell is going on?" Clarke demands in a stern voice, coming to the brunette's side. "Let her go," she tells the boy that towers over the both of them.

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