Chapter 48

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She flinches to the side —along with Raven and Jasper— when a bullet pings off the floor, "Murphy's gonna do the Grounder's work for them and blow us all up," she sighed.

Raven sighs, too, a stressed look crossing her features as she continues to dig through a bunch of wires that confuses Addison's brain. "You need to do this now," Jasper pressured.

"I'm working as fast as I can," Raven moves certain wires aside to get a better look at what she's searching for, "the wires for the door are mixed in with the ignition system."

"Ignition meaning . . ."

"Meaning that sparking the wrong one would be bad," Raven tilts her head up ever so slightly to get a better look at the next set of wires she grabbed.

"I think I found it. Get outside," Raven flickers her eyes to Jasper and Addison, "Be ready when it opens," she tells them, but Addison doesn't move.

"I'm not going anywhere."


"It's not up for discussion," their eyes meet, "now do your thing." Sighing, Raven sets the light down and tells Addison to hold some wires out of the way while she goes to work on opening the door.

"Isn't that what you said? That you were just giving the people what they wanted, right?"

"Hang on, Bellamy," Addison whispered when she heard Murphy's taunting voice.

Raven starts yanking the set of wires she needs out of their confined space and starts twisting and peeling away. Commotion above them has Addison looking up in worry, then she hears Bellamy's muffled grunt.

"Raven . . ." she drawled lowly.

"Almost done." She hands Addison the wire she just peeled to quietly set her tool down, "Connect them."

Electricity and her don't mix. Raven knows that but gave them to her anyways. Seeing as Bellamy's life is on the line, Addison nervously touches them together. "Ahh!" She and Raven jump when they shock her, and Addison's eyes widen at the realization. She just gave her and Raven's spot up. "Crap . . ."

Addison doesn't have time to register the familiar sharp popping that pierces through the floor above their heads before she's shoved into an electric panel of some kind. She groans, holding the back of her head as the gunshots continue to fire; until Murphy's gun clicks.

Ignoring the pounding in her head, Addison's eyes snap open, "Raven . . ."

She continued to work at opening the door and ignores the worry calls of Addison. The door is finally opened, followed by quick footsteps that rush in for Bellamy.

"It worked!"

"Guys, he's fine!"

Neither of the boys's voices made it to Addison's ears. Ignoring the commotion above them, she's at Raven's side in a heartbeat, "Raven, hey—" she cut herself off when she sets her hand down next to Raven, instantly feeling an all too familiar warm, thick liquid—blood. She retracts her hand from the small warm puddle that forms and holds them in the light. "Oh no . . ." Raven's blood coats her fingertips, " . . . no, no, no . . ."

A Whole New World | Octavia Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now