Chapter 37

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The words had flown out Raven's mouth minutes ago, the information still hanging freely in the air. Liam was sat in a stoney silence, unsure of what to say or even do. His mouth's agape, head tilting from side to side and brown eyes squinting as he attempted to comprehend it all, body shifting in the wooden stool every now-and-then.

"H-How?" Was all he could say, voice barely above a whisper. He had ran through every possible explanation and scenario his mind could think of, but each outcome was empty.

"I can't say much. Not until she knows," replied Raven, more audible then Liam, her own eyes still boring into the side of his head.

Liam simply nodded in understanding, hands clasping together as he finally looked up at her, "When do you—"

"Soon. Just not right now . . . not after the Exodus Ship crashed."



The information was a hard pill to swallow, let alone trying to convince herself that this wasn't some nightmare she'll wake from, but that this is the harsh reality of the world she now lived in. She couldn't sleep . . . couldn't function right for the next two days.

But she's not the only one feeling loss and heartache. Her people —the 100. They too felt it, and it crushed her to see their once bright and excited smiles turn sad and grief-stricken. Addison knew that some day the day would come where she'd be left without family, but she didn't expect it to be so soon; not after the day a guardsman clamped a metal wristband on and she involuntarily came to Earth.

The grief she felt for her father disappeared when Raven came down and got communications, and when Chancellor Jaha himself stated from the Ark that an Exodus Ship would bring not only hers, but her people's families.

  The sliver of hope she tried so hard not to hang onto crashed with the Exodus Ship that night—the night she was actually going to talk to her father for the first time since her arrest and mother's passing

  "Hey." Addison was startled from her daze by the nudge on her leg. She shifted her gaze from the spot she'd been blankly and tiredly staring at for hours through the gap on top the wall that overlooked into the woods:

Octavia comes to her side, taking a seat and leans against the metal that's been recently constructed, legs laying flat against the floor beneath them.

Addison's lips tug into a forced, faint smile. "Hey..." she breathes out inaudibly, removing the side of her head from against the barrel of the gun it's been leaning on, and rests the other side of her head on Octavia's shoulder instead.

"Still no sleep?" the brunette nods, staring at the same tree she'd been gazing at prior.

Octavia sighs softly, her head resting on top of the girl's. "Do you ever wish you were born in a different time? Or a different universe where the world wasn't filled with..." she sighs, closing her eyes as she finishes, "Death."

"Sometimes," Octavia was quick to answer, voice staying soft.

"What time would you choice? If you could pick and had the chance to escape there?"

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