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Daegan POV

After talk with Coach Craven, I walked through the empty halls of the school with my hands stuffed in my pockets. It was kinda weird seeing as it was deserted and it was only 3:15.

Anyway, I must've gotten lost going through these damn halls cause I found myself on the backside of the school. How the fuck did I get here? Oh well, Otto will try to find me at some point anyway. I went outside, following the concrete path towards the steps only to find stop when I realised someone was still here.

It must've been my lucky day because guess who was sitting near the base of the steps, head stuffed in a book and curled into a cute little ball. A smirk grew on my lips as I looked at him; he looked so oblivious, as if he was in a world all his own. I wanted to be apart of that world, but after talking with Otto I knew I needed to tread lightly. We hadn't talked since I body slammed that asshole and I was dying to know if this was a normal occurrence and how many other people did it as well.

Determined to at least talk to him again, I decided to let my presence be known,"Ye guid doll?" (You good doll?)

I must've scared him because he jumped, turning around to look at me. I held up my hands,"Sorry, did ah friten ye?", I asked, taking a slow step closer. (Sorry, did I scare you?)

He lowered his head again,"A- a- li- ttle", he squeaked out in a soft voice and I just wanted to pull him close and not let go.

"Didnae mean tae, doll", I said, sitting down beside him; I could tell he wanted to curl in on himself. It's cute how I had that effect on him,"Sae ye waiting oan someone?", I asked, in an attempt to make conversation. I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted him, it was more than a physical attraction for me; I wanted to learn everything I could about my doll. (Didn't mean to, doll. So ye waiting on someone?)

He nodded his head, clutching the corners of his book,"M- my s- si- sister", he answered. God his stutter was so cute.

I couldn't help but to smile because he understood my dialect and my accent. My doll was a smart one. "A'm waiting oan mah car tae", I agreed, stretching out my legs and laying back on my elbows. I had to admit the weather was a lot nicer here than back home. Plus my baby was here so I didn't really have any complaints about my first day. (I'm waiting on my ride too.)

"C- can I a- ask you a qu- question?", he suddenly asked me, looking up at me with those big brown eyes. He could put Bambi to shame with eyes like those.

"Gaun yersel doll", I told him; I would tell him anything he wanted to know. God I was acting like some hopeless romantic. (Go for it, doll)

He worried his lip between his teeth and I wished I could do it instead. He leaned in closer to me and I could feel his breath on my ear,"A- are you on th- the down low?", he whispered in my ear.

I couldn't help but start laughing at the question. I drew back, shaking my head at his flustered face,"Na doll", I assured him,"f a'body asks me, ah will proudly tell 'em ah lik' cock." (No, doll. If anyone asks me, I'll proudly tell 'em I like cock.)

The flush that colored his round face was a sight I would never forget. I slid closer to him, happy when he didn't move away,"Bin wondering aboot that, havn't ye?" (Been wondering about that, haven't you?)

He fiddled nervously with his fingers, not looking at me,"I- I mean... a c- couple guys have tried to talk to me b- but I sa- said no", he said.

I mentally cursed myself for my actions thus far. No wonder he didn't give me the time of day; he obviously didn't trust easily as a result and my aggressive come-ons weren't helping my case. Guess this was another big difference from back home; I'd have to work on that then.

We weren't just sitting there in silence; I don't know why, but I didn't mind. I found myself looking out at the fields thinking about my pa and folks back home. I wondered if they would call today; I knew the time difference was a bitch.

I felt eyes on me and when I looked over I found Tenoa staring at me. I showed some irregular restraint and just smiled back at him. I didn't know why but I could feel the heat creeping up my neck and the tips of my eyes. Christ, he's even making me blush like a drunkard at the pub. We continued to look at one another and I wanted to learn everything I could about him; be his friend and maybe, if possible something more.

"Tenoa I have practice at 4:00 come on!", a female voice yelled, suddenly pulling up in a little blue car.

Just like that; it was over. The kid shot up and away like we were doing something we weren't supposed to. He collected his things quickly, throwing his backpack over his shoulder before freezing.

"I- I- I'll s-see you l- later", he muttered quickly, refusing to meet my eye,"B- bye", with that he scampered off towards the car leaving me by myself.

I would've been mad or annoyed at his departure if I didn't get to watch his ass jiggle as he ran off. He almost tripped getting into the car and when he turned around to see that I had seen it, I waved at him before he got in the car and zoomed off.

I just sat there on the steps; my heart beating out my chest. Fuck he's got a hold on me alright.

Endnotes: wanted to make a BBWB version of the BGWB high school fics I see on here, but at the same time I don't like the red flag type shit the guys be doing in there (choking, ass slapping and that pervert shit when they JUST meet these folks) 🚩. No hate to those folks; I still luv reading them. Just not my 🍵

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