fiche a naoi

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Daegan POV

Google says Tenoa's house was a 10 minute drive from school but I made it in half. Coach let us out early, probably to nurse his pride from earlier, but not like I was moaning about it. I was gonna surprise him, yet I couldn't get my damn feet to move! Was I nervous? Kinda, no shit. I had never gone to meet a fellas folks before. This was unfamiliar territory; dangerous turf. I already knew that I was guaranteed atleast 50% hostility from the wally twat Tenoa called a twin sister, but that wasn't so big as a concern for me.

However, I have no clue what she could have told their aunt about me up until now and that's what I'm worried about. Me and her had an understanding at the end of day, a weird one, but an understanding no less. We understand I'm "not her cup of joe" and I'm "not her cup of tea" as she said herself in metaphor. Otto says it's probably some shit about our birth signs not being compatible or something. Honestly, I have no idea why I started retaining the stupid shit he says to me....well actually, nevermind, I do.

"I just think you should maybe think about it from his point of view maybe?"

I let the memory of our conversation replay, shaking off the anxiety before remembering thr progress we'd made since and I couldn't help but grin like a dumb ass with my head against the steering wheel. I was excited to see Tenoa and darn it if I was letting "meet the in-laws" get in my way!

I took off my seatbelt, getting out my truck before grabbing my phone. I didn't have any homework, so I didn't need to worry about my backpack. I made my way up the front path, looking around at the neighborhood and the Silas Residents.

I knocked on the front door, stepping back and waiting. When no one had answered, I knocked again. Again, no answer. I was growing annoyed because I could hear more than a few feminine voices talking inside, but nobody was opening the damn door. Just as I raised my hand to  beat on it, it open to reveal my least favorite of the clan.

Tenaya had the door creaked open, looking at me past the chain lock. I dont know why she didn't unlock it, she was me imthrough the peephole. In true fashion, she mean mugged me like she was gonna turn me to stone before leaning against the door, "Does my aunty know you're here?", she quipped, not moving an inch to let me in. She was acting like she was guarding the gates of heaven or something.

I cut my eyes at her stupid question, "I wouldn't be here if she didn't", I answered simply, "Are you gonna let me in or what?" I would've gotten in sooner if I had just climbed in through the window.

"Tenaya if you don't let that boy in the damn house and quit playing! What is wrong with you!", a voice yelled from inside.

Startled and embarrassed, Tenaya finally moved, "I was about to!", she moaned, rolling her eyes. I knew for a fact she wouldn't do that if she was infront of her.

I just bit back a smirk, before she shut the door in my face before opening. I stepped around her and walked into the house. To my left in the main room, I noticed the group of not-so-helpful girls I'd suspected earlier, staring at me. None of them said anything, just staring at me, but I paid them no mind. I wasn't here for any of them. My bounty was upstairs.

However, before that, I had to greet the lady of the house

* * * * * *

I walked through the foyer of the house and towards the kitchen were music was playing. I entered the kitchen to see Miss Monica cooking up a storm and it already smelled good. 'Looks like we're not having pizza.'

At the moment, Miss Monica was standing at the island, cutting open package of beef chunks. Miss Monica was an interesting woman. She was strong and lean, a contrast to how tiny Miss Martin was. She intimidated upon first meeting her, but she was a kind and by the books woman. That didnt mean he put it oast her to not knock his head between the washer and dryer. She was in her early thirties, life seemingly planned out despite having taken up the mantle of guardian at so young an age. Her niece and nephew were her pride an joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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