fichead 's a còig

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Normal POV

Tenoa was practically bouncing out of his skin as they pulled into the school parking lot. He fought to not fidget with the buttons, knowing Tenaya would probably kill him if he started that up again.

He glanced around, trying to locate a familiar rust colored truck. He was excited to see him...and nervous; excited and nervous. Things had changed since their first date that Friday and it was all for the better. They had been texting all weekend but he still missed him terribly. He was his best friend, his confidant...his soulmate?

Tenoa cringed at himself. God he was such a lovesick school girl. No wonder Tenaya always says he has "pathetic puppy-dog eyes" around him. She had even gone so far as to show him a picture!

"Okay, loser, we're here", Tenaya huffed, rolling up the windows and turning off the car, "go on and find your precious Daaaeegaaann before he explodes." She didn't have to tell him twice. With a wave and a swift goodbye, he grabbed his bag and got out of the car, careful not to slam the door. He waved at his sisters friends huddled together nearby, waiting for her to get out the car. Apart of him was jealous, curious as to what it was like to have someone waiting for him.

"Hey, doll."

Tenoa couldn't help but smile at that familiar Scottish accent. He slowly turned around to face its owner, looking up to meet Daegan's eyes, "G- good morning, DD", he greeted happily, cheeks tinged red.

Daegan beamed at the nickname. It was something they agreed upon over his other moniker. Neither wanted others to hear the name that was solely for Daegan's ears. He opened his arms and Tenoa eagerly embraced him. He melted into the latter's arms, enhaling the familiar scent of his cologne.

Neither cared for the audience they had, Tenaya just nodded her head at the latter before gathering her things and leaving. "Don't be late for class, Ten, Aunt Monica would kill you", she called out, leaving the two be.

They bask in the moment a while longer, enjoying one another. Tenoa giggled when Daegan squeezed his sides, kissing his temple before pulled away. "Good morning, indeed", the ginger beamed, "ready to go inside?"

Tenoa nodded, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder before Daegan swiftly grabbed the strap and took it for him. "I- I can carry i- it", he muttered as he weakly reached for it only for Daegan to widen the gap between them.

"I know", he assured him, "but I want to."

How was he supposed to say no to that? Tenoa just ducked his head, cheeks burning before nodding, "O- okay thank you."

"No problem, doll."

With that, they made their way to towards the school. As they neared the groups of teens scattered in front of the school, Tenoa attempted the make himself, both an easy and diffuse with the human skyscraper beside him. He jumped when he felt something in his hand and looked down to find Daegan's hand clasped with his. He paused, following his arm up to his face with a quizzical look.

Daegan just smiled, squeezing his hand gently. He glanced forward before leaning down to his level, "I told you, I wasn't trying to hide it", he whispered in his ear. Tenoa just grinned and they headed inside. He lost all his nervousness as they moved through the halls. He didn't even care about the stares, probably because he was used to it now, but also because Daegan was with him.

They came to an impass at the corridor, looking between Otto on the far right and further on to where Tenoa's locker was on the left. "I- I ha- have to go to my locker", the younger whispered. Even in saying this, he didn't particularly want to part from him just yet. He wanted to enjoy his touch longer. He really like his small affectionate gesture, possibly more than his grandeur ones that made his flush at the memory.

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