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Daegan POV

After that weird ass phone call with Tenaya last night, everything but sleep was on my mind. I wanted to go to my baby right then and there and settle this, but Tenaya and Otto both said that it would be a dumbass move. It would no doubt scare him and he would get overwhelmed and after thinking it over, I knew they were right.

So after my mum finally picked up the phone, she told me exactly what I needed to do.

"You c'moan pure tough lik' that, a'd be scared o' ye tae! juist lik' yer pa; abrasive wi' th' subtlety o' a workers brick. Git yer heid oot yer bahookie 'n' blether tae th' boy!" (You come on strong like that, I'd be scared of you too! Just like your pa; abrasive with the subtlety of a workers brick. Get your head out your ass and talk to the boy!)

I knew she was right, so I had to figure out how I could fix this. I spent the whole weekend trying to figure out how to go about things. I wasn't patient by a long shot so you wouldn't believe how many times I had to stop myself from just calling him. I kept myself busy with yard work, chores or hanging out with Otto and some guys until Monday rolled around.

I strolled into the school with purpose, eyes trained straight ahead with no intention of straying from my objective. Kids parted the way for me, whether out of fear or courtesy; either way, I got what I wanted.

My heart was practically beating out of my chest as I went over what I was going to say in my head. I tossed my stuff into my locker, before going to the bathroom. I went over to the sink, taking the moment to look myself over in the mirror. I dusted myself off, tussling my hair a bit. My hands were so sweaty; last time I was this nervous, I was asking Linda Hearth to the formal when I was 12.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "Tenoa, ah juist wanted tae say...i'm pure sorry fur blawin up at ye lik' ah did. It wasn't fair tae nae hear ye oot. Ah an' a' regret howfur ah handled hings wi' yer sister 'n' keekin back, ah cuid ken how come she thought ah wis a boaby head." I know I probably looked like a loon, talking to myself in the bathroom mirror, but I didn't give a fuck. I had been trying to get my words together all weekend and I needed to get everything I had to say together. (Tenoa, I just wanted to say...I'm really sorry for blowing up on you like I did. It wasn't fair to not hear you out. I regret how I handled things with your sister and looking back, I could understand how she thought I was a dickhead.)

I jumped slightly at a hand appearing on my shoulder,"You got this, Dae", Otto told me, giving my shoulder a squeeze. I didn't even see him come in, I must really be in my head right now.

I nodded at him in the mirror's reflection. I do got this. I splashed some water on my face before leaving out. I made my way over to his locker.

But then I froze.

Tenoa was still at his locker but he was talking to someone. Everything I had prepared before went out the window when I saw him talking to the guy. I knew exactly who it was because Tenoa had told me about him. He was one of the guys that tried to chat him up before and apparently he was back for a possible rebound. He was smiling at him and licking his lips as Tenoa had a blank look on his face; a look I noted that he had been wearing since our little spat.

'A look ye caused, ye twat', my brain supplied to which I told it to politely shut the fuck up, but I put a pin in it because something was happening. (A look you caused, you twat.)

The guy started to move in a bit and I saw Tenoa's eyes widen before he shook his head, subtly putting some distance between them.

Not needing to just stand there any longer, I stalked over to them. Tenoa was the first to see me, eyes going big and his frame tensing at my approach before he looked down. "Git oan yer wey ", I said, not even looking in the guys direction just looking dead at Mt doll. (Get on your way.)

The guy gulped, before turning back to Tenoa,"Uh ch- check you later then?", he muttered with a slight nod before quickly walking off.

I grinned at his haste exit. He clearly had known he had lost before the battle started. At least he gave up peacefully, I'd hate to drag him up and down this hallway. Now that he was dealt with, I turned my sights back to my doll.

He tittered anxiously in his spot before looking up at me. He had taken my breath away for a moment. Christ how I missed looking into those eyes. "U- u- uh wha- what d- do y- you n- nee-"

Before he could even get the rest of the words out of his mouth, I slammed him against his locker and kissed him. So much for my grand apology but I just couldn't help it. He was clearly shocked by my assault, gasping against my mouth.

I was going to use his surprise to my advantage. I pried his lips open, sliding my tongue in to lick into his mouth, entangling it with his shyer one. My mouth brushed against the metal of his mouth, but I didn't care one bit. It was undeniably him. I felt his hands curl around my arms as he finally started to kiss back, moaning into my mouth as he kissed back with eagerness.

When Tenoa melted into the kiss, I took it a step further. I bent down to wrap my arms around his waist, my hands cupping his ass and squeezing. The sound I was rewarded with was worth more than my weight in gold. The noises went straight to my groin, my cock filling between us. This was our first kiss and it was far better than I ever imagined it would be. His lips were so soft and sweet against mine.

I knew I should've stopped considering we had an audience of our peers and probably even teachers, but I didn't give a fuck. If anything, it egged me on. I wanted them all to know that he was mine and mine alone.

"Hey! No PDA in the halls! Break it up!"

I could've ignored him, but to my better judgement, I thought against it. Last thing I wanted for either of us to get detention. What do you know? Talk about personal growth. I pulled away, my mouth immediately missing his. I opened my eyes to find him look right at me with mouth ajar and eyes wide.

I caressed his cheek with my thumb, his face fitting in both my hands. "Mines", I growled, letting my intentions know from the jump. He knew I was not the indirect type and I wanted to make my intentions known. He was mine and only mine. (Mine.)

He shrunk at my deep voice, but didn't look away,"O- o- ok- kay", he answered, nodding against my palms. Although I'd already known his answer, my heart still skipped a beat at his agreeance. Still, that was not all I wanted to hear.

"Okay whit?", I asked him raising an eyebrow. (Okay what?)

"O- okay...d- daddy", he said with red cheeks. Christ how I missed that blush of his.

I smirked, my cock twitching in my pants at the name. "Guid", I drew back glaring at the surprised faces staring back at us. There was nothing else to see here so they could piss off for all I care. Once they moved on I saw Otto smiling at us and I just rolled my eyes. "We're gonnea talk later at lunch, aye?", I said, turning back to my baby. (We're gonna talk later at lunch, yeah?)

He bit his kiss swollen lip, avoiding my gaze. I could tell the words made his stomach drop, but we were gonna have to talk about this and about us. He finally looked back up and nodded up at me.

I smiled, pushing up his glasses that slid down the bridge of his nose,"Noo let's heid tae class, we're gonnae be late ", I took his tiny hand and pulled him to class. I would be lying if I didn't miss having his hand in mine. (Now let's head to class, we're gonna be late.)

Endnotes: Not me giving the characters real depth lol. Also not me being MIA half the bad, I was having some really bad writers block and I'm sad to admit that I thought I lost my passion for writing. I was literally contemplating it because, for some reason, I found myself not enjoying reading and writing as much as I used to (and I LOVE reading and writing). However, instead, I made a pact to myself (sorta like a Fall resolution) to start back reading as well as working on my writing. Hope you guys enjoy the fruits of my labor. Stay weird!

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