Chapter twenty eight

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When I open my eyes everything is a grey color so I blink, rub my eyes and look again. Nothing changes, I sit up and shiver, it's cold. Looking around I can see literally nothing. Realization sets in, I'm on the other side.

When I get to the place where Ray would usually I just sit and wait. I know the spirit is coming back. While I wait I explore what used to be Donny's home for the last five years. There's lots of journals with his name on them so I grab one and pop it open. I feel guilty and almost put the book back but then I remind myself that he left them here, maybe there's something in here that could help.

May 10, Hailey went to school today and she actually looked happy, not that fake smile she puts on her face to please everyone. I really do miss my bestfriend. I can't wait to be alive again to see her and as weird as it sounds to touch her.
Ray was giving me a hard time today but what else is new? He's a real ass but I like him. He's good company in this lonely place. The darkness is getting closer. I don't know what to do! We'll all disappear if he catches me.

I shiver, the room was already cold but it feels like the temperature dropped about 10 degrees. "Back so soon?" The voice I've come to hate fills my ears like poison. "What the hell do you want from me?" The energy starts to drain from my body and I hunch over. "Your soul will suffice." He takes a deep breath and I feel more and more of my energy being sucked right out of me. He stops and I'm finally able to get a good breath in. "If I can't have the boy, I'll just take you." He disappears leaving me in pain. I lay on the ground and shut my eyes.

When I wake up the grey seems bleak but I'm confused on why I'm still here. I go to the place Donny used to go to watch me and frown when I see my body asleep on the couch at my empty house. For hours I watch just to see if someone will come by and check on me but nobody does. I was just getting up to leave as I notice that stupid red car pull into my driveway. Donny gets out and makes his way to the front door. He knocks, waits, knocks again and turns to leave. I use every fiber in my body to will him back to the door. Oddly enough he stops and turns back to my door. He opens it and slips inside.

He finds me on the couch just asleep pretty much. He starts to shake my body and the urge to slap him because he's a idiot, is very strong. The scene in front of me turns black, the air shifts and it gets hard to breathe. I fall to my knees in agony as I feel the energy rip through me as if he had some sort of pull on it. "Ah yes three days here and your still alive, I'm impressed." The voice of the devil makes me shudder. The energy is coming out of me like waves. I have no fight in me, all I can do is sit there and let him suck the life out of me, literally. I feel myself grow faint.

"Leave her alone!" A familiar voice cuts through the darkness. It vanishes and I can breath again. A figure appears in front of me and it takes a minute for me to recognize Donny. "Are you okay?" He helps me up but I stumble and almost fall. "Not really." I let him carry me back to the room with all the journals. "I know what I have to do." He sets me down and then turns to stand before five empty chairs. "Elders, I've figured out my cause of death. I died by suffocation at the hands of my merciless father. He beat me to death." The room starts to shake, all I can do is cover my head and hope that nothing falls on top of me. "The spirit you said was attached to me... it's my father. His evil soul has been trying to make my life miserable. He's angry I got the second chance and not him."

A bright light flashes and then two men with beards appear from no where. "Your doing it boy! Now tell him he has no control over you." The man I assume to be a elder says to Donny. The other makes his way over to me, he places a soft hand on my forehead. Instantly I feel better, I'm not famished anymore. "You have no control over my life anymore dad!" Donny shouts into the air. The ground rumbles, I grab onto the elder who smiles at me. Air whooshes past and then it's still. Three more men appear and then so does Ray. "Hey Hailey!" He hugs me and practically cuts off my air flow with how hard he squeezed me.

"It's about time son." The elder places his hand on Donny's shoulder. "You are feee to be human, all soul and physical being should not be allowed here again." With a snap of his fingers I find myself back in my living room with Donny. He looks around to make sure it's really real before turning to me. "How long were you gone?" I grab my phone. "Three days!" There's so many messages from the twins and Stanley. A few from Jarell and one from Nancy. "Well how do you feel?" I stand to test the waters. My legs shake but I think I'm good. "I think I'll be okay."

We eat something before he leaves. I walk him out of the house and onto the porch. "I'm really sorry you got caught up in this." I shrug it off. "It's over now. What I'm more curious about is how you were comfortable enough to lie to my face about how you felt about me." He looks at the ground while rubbing the back of his neck. "Well that's the thing, I didn't lie. I was in love with you as you were bringing me back. It was after I realized that I'll be here for the rest of my life that I sat down and thought about how I felt about everything." He stares me in the eyes, he's telling the truth. "I realized I might only like you because you were the first person I saw.. I didn't want it to be some sick attachment. I know I went about the entire situation wrongly, I know I fucked up."

He looks everywhere but me. "I can understand if you don't wanna be with me but please don't cut me out of your life." He gives me a sad half smile. "I won't." I reach over so I can hug him. "Stay safe and use protection." I joke as he walks to his car. "Definitely. Kids are a no go in this book." He waves before climbing into his car and driving off. I go back inside to shower, I decide to meet with Jarell and finally talk things over. I think Donny telling me the truth really gave me some clarity and opened my eyes up to something. Jarell has been in my life for only a month yet I feel I the best when I'm around him, I'm feeding off his energy. If I can forgive Donny I can forgive Jarell and that's what I'm going to do.

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