Chapter twelve

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The next morning I roll out of bed and grin to myself because today is senior skip day. I run to my closet and grab a white off the shoulder blouse and then rummage through my dresser to find my favorite ripped skinny jeans. Once I find those I grab my retro 11's out of the closet. I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower, once the steam starts covering the mirror I step in.

I quickly wash my body then get out. I wipe the mirror off so I can brush my teeth and wash my face. I'm going all out for senior skip day, every single senior from our school and a few towns over will be on the prowl today. Prom is literally like a month away and I still don't have a date. Once I'm dressed I sit in front of the vanity and braid my wild hair into two braids. I slip on my shoes and grab my purse. I go downstairs and find Nancy and her kids in the kitchen. "Goodmorning." They all turn to me. "Hailey, this is my daughter Emma, and my son Stanley." I hug Nancy's daughter and finally make eye contact with Stanley.

His eyes are a pale blue color and his hair was jet black and curly. He smiles at me and I go in for a hug. "Would the two of you like to join me today? It's senior skip day." Emma politely declined my offer so I turn to Stan to see what he has to say. "Sure why not?" I fist bump him and then sit at the table so I could eat what Nancy made for breakfast. She made waffles with cut up strawberries on them and some bacon. As we eat I get to know Stan and Emma, they both love hockey and mud wrestling. Emily is 20 and Stan is 19, although he looks much older than his sister.

I place my plate in the sink and tell Stanley I'll be waiting in my car. He joins me five minutes later and then we're off. I start to make conversation with Stanley and find out he has a special someone back at college. I pull up to the twins house and they run to my car like maniacs. Once they're settled their eyes float over to Stanley who's smiling at them. "Hello I'm Tia." She's the first to introduce herself and Stanley's smile grows wider. "Stanley." They shake hands and then Sophia speaks up. "I'm her twin sister Sophia." The two shake hands and then I start the drive to the big mall across town. "So Hails, I was thinking... maybe you can get back at Donny." I giggle and nod. "What did you have in mind?" I can see her smile mischievously.

"Before I get into that, does Stanley here know what happened?" He looks at me and I frown. "No I just met him. I didn't think he'd want to hear my life story." He snorts and that causes Sophia to giggle. "Just to let you ladies know, I'm gay so whatever revenge your planning I'm in." We stop at the light and I turn to look at him. "I would have never thought." He smiles at me. "Most people say the same thing when they find out. Do I carry myself differently?" I nod and he shrugs. "So Tia what did you have in mind?" And that question is all it took to get Tia going.

When we pull up to the mall, the place is packed. Literally every senior is here and I couldn't be more excited. We all head inside together and the moment we enter the mall Stanley's arm goes around my shoulder. I fell giddy with excitement about today, I can't wait to find someone to ask to prom. "So our first stop is definitely the food court. I'm starving." I look at Tia and give her a light push. "You're always hungry." She sticks her tongue out at me and I do it back.

When we make it to the food court I order a kiwi strawberry smoothie and then find a table for the four of us. I find one right in the middle of the food court. It's about 11:45 and let me tell you, the mall is busy. The twins and Stanley finally join me at the table and I let out a laugh at Stanley. "What?" He asks as he stuffs his face with the sandwich he ordered from subway. "You just ate like a hour ago." He smiles and leans into me. "I'm a growing man baby." I stifle a giggle at his use of pet names. I spot Jackson over by the elevator and excuse myself from the group.

"Hey Jackson." I say to him as I walk up to him. "Oh hey Hailey." He gives me a hug before leaning against the wall. "Soooo I was wondering if you'd wanna go to prom with me?" He smirks at me. "I thought you'd never ask." We agree to talk more about prom later on in the week and I make my way back to the group. "What took you so long? Donny is across the court with the football boys." Sophia says as I sit down. I look in the direction she's talking about and sure enough there he is. "Okay so we all know the plan?" Tia says to all of us. We agree and start the walk over to the elevator. I'm nervous because I don't know how Donny is going to react but then I remind myself that he KISSED another girl.

We walk past the football players and I feel eyes on me. I keep my focus trained on Stanley who's talking about what it's like to be in college. "Honestly it's better than high school. Your classes aren't all bunched up into one day." That actually makes me feel a lot better because I was nervous about college. "Are the dorms coed?" Sophia asks nervously. "Depends on where you go really." We make it into the elevator and decide to go to build-a-bear workshop. I decide to make a green bear that wears a frilly white skirt and pink tank top. I let Stanley put a secret message in the heart of my bear and I'm excited to see what it says. Once my bear is done I'm quick to press his hand to see what he says. "Don't forget your worth boo." Stanley's voice comes out of the bear and a smile takes over my face.

I turn to him and wrap my arms around his neck. "I love it. I'll cherish it forever." He hugs me back and then offers to pay for everything we get in here. I'm about to refuse but he beats me to it, "Don't try and fight me on it. I insist." I give in and wait for the twins to finish their bears. I look out the window of the shop and notice Donny leaning against the wall next to Windsor. We make eye contact but I just look away as if I didn't see him. "Hailey! Look at my baby!" Sophia shoves her bear in my face and I let out a laugh. Her bear was bright pink and it had on a black dress, when I pressed the hand Tias voice comes out saying "Even though we fight I love you." I smile fondly at the twins love for one another.

The four of us leave the store and decide to go back to my house because there's too many people in the mall. Once we get there we'll all end up in my room talking about everything under the sun until Nancy calls us for dinner.

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