Chapter six

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I sigh and head up to my room to start picking out my outfit for Monday. Even though it's only Saturday I like to prepare my Monday's in advance. I hate Monday's and it's always easier to get dressed on a Monday when you lay out your outfit ahead of time. I grab some black sweats, a green shirt and my green Jordan fives from the closet and place them by my vanity. Once that's done I flop onto my bed and turn on the tv. I flip through the shows and decide to watch paranormal activity.

As I'm watching the movie I feel myself drifting off and I try my hardest to fight it. Sleep wins the silent battle and before I know it I'm having a dream.
I'm watching myself prepare for my first day of high school again. I watch as I slip on my red sneakers and walk out the door. "You can't sit around moping all day Donny." A voice whispers. I turn and see no one. I look down at what I'm wearing and realize that I'm not wearing my clothes. I'm wearing black jeans and a white shirt. I look around again and walk a towards the darkness and I can hear the whispering. "He will never make it out of here." "Not with the way he mopes around." I listen in on the voices and feel frustrated.

The body moves and all I can do is watch from behind his eyes. "You all talk as if you've gotten out! I just don't want to freak her out." He shouts at the pair that were just speaking about him. "Ok Donny. We were just kidding." He plops down and sighs. "It's so hard being here and being able to see her and all that goes on. I want to be there on earth with her, touching her, kissing her. I'd give anything to have that back." My heart races and I think about the words coming out of his mouth. "I get you man. Don't be afraid to make the move to get out of here like we did. We were scared and waited too long to get the chance."
The voices and image disappear and I wake up back in my room. I quickly grab my laptop and start to look up the space between earth and death. So much information fills my head as I read and it's hard to keep it all sorted. "There's a space in between time and if your soul is pure enough you get stuck there until someone drags you out." Donny steps out of the shadows and I just stare at him.

"So I see." I give him a short answer and I know he gets annoyed. "Really storm? You're gonna do this right now?" I roll my eyes and look at him. "What did you expect? For me to be happy that you came out today the shadows again? You literally leave me hanging by a thread all the time now!" I shout at him. He walks closer to me and shouts back. "You think I want to?! You think I wanna leave with no warning? I wish I could be around you longer than a hour but I fucking can't." He sits on my bed and runs his hand through his hair. "Why not?" He looks at me and gives me a sad smile. "The 'in between' as we call it, has a time limit for people like me. People who are fighting to get the life they deserve back." I sit next to him and listen to what he's saying. "I can come and go as I please but it's always only for a hour. It's what was decided by the elders a long time ago." Listening to him talk makes me sad. He was in there for so long, and he was afraid. "So why can I kiss you and feel you? Why am I able to keep your jacket?"

He leans back against the wall and I wait for his response. "The time I have here allows me to be seen and felt as if I was still alive. With you doing what your doing, you're bringing parts of me back as you go along, for example my jacket. The night I gave it to you I felt the connection between us. All the time spent watching you helped me fall in love with you again and again and again. I still have emotion because I'm not supposed to be there." The more I think about this whole situation the less sense it makes. I believe in the paranormal myself and I even do a little ghost hunting in my spare time but this was a whole new level of information. I jump off my bed and run to my closet, I grab my emf meter and join Donny again. "I have to see for myself. Go away and make this thing go off." I look down at the meter to make sure the batteries are good. When I look back up he's gone.

The emf meter starts to go off and reaches all the way to red before Donny walks out of the shadows again. "Wow. Okay so this is really happening." I say more to myself then him. "It is and you need to figure out how I died so I can come back. So I can be with you." His words make my heart race but I remind myself that he doesn't mean it like that. He sits back down and I stare at him. "Why do you doubt me?" He asks quietly. "What?" He looks at me and I frown. "I just told you that I am in love with you storm and you still think I mean as my bestfriend!" He bangs his head against the wall and I just sit there like a fish out of water. "I can't help it Donny. You were gone for so long and now all of a sudden your here, dead at that, declaring your love... doesn't that seem strange? I mean what if I save you and I fix everything then you realize you only wanted me because I was the only one who could help you?" I look away as tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

"Storm. Trust me when I say if my friends Ray and Kevin were here they'd vouche for me. They teased me about it for weeks." I smile at the thought of the two men I saw earlier. "That reminds me, I saw another memory, it was my first day of school and you exploded on your friends because they were busting your balls." He smiles at that memory and let's out a laugh. "I remember that. They always give me a hard time but they mean well." He scoots closer to me and runs his hand down my arm. "I missed you so much storm." He leans in and I don't hesitate to kiss him. His lips feel soft against mine and the fireworks go off once again. He pulls me onto his lap without breaking the kiss. When he pulls away a frown takes over my face. "I have to go." Sadness takes over but I nod remove myself from his lap. He shrugs off the black hoodie he was wearing and hands it to me. "So you can rest easy tonight." I grab the sweater with a smile and when I blink he's gone. I quickly throw the sweater on and inhale his scent. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep adapter that.

If there are any spelling errors please let me know so I can fix them lol. Hope you guys are enjoying the book this far, let me know if there's anything you'd want me to change😌

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