(46) I like you

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Valentina's POV:

I got ready and headed downstairs. I was not hungry so planned on eating a fruit or something.

I see Enzo, Matteo and the twins sitting on the kitchen counter. Enzo was making pancakes.

"Hey guys. Good morning", I smile.

"Good morning", Matteo sang while others said it normally.

"Where is Ales, lijah and Dad?", I asked

"They left early for work today. I had to leave with them but I stayed back for half an hour to make breakfast for these idiots knowing they can't cook", Enzo said

"Hey! I can cook", Xander defended

"You have to cook eatable food Xander not burnt..can you do that?", Enzo asked eyebrows raised.

Xander shrugged and looked avoided his gaze.

"Thought so", Enzo sighed

"Well you pamper us so much dear brother", Xavier smiled.

"Yeah I know it's my fault. You guys should learn how to cook you know", Enzo said

Matteo and Xander glare at Xavier. I chuckled.

"No you make the besttt food Enzo. So you should only make food for us", Xander said smacking his twin.

Enzo rolls his eyes.

I pick up an apple and begin eating it.

"Enzo I'm not much hungry. I will only have an apple so don't make me anything", I said.

"Why? You love pancakes. I don't mind making food for my baby", Enzo pouted.

"I know but I'm not really hungry", I said.

"Eat one atleast?", Enzo offers

"Okay...they look tempting", I grin

"Coming right up", Enzo snickered.

Matteo picked up a banana and started talking while peeling it.

"May I have your jacket, hehehe?", Matteo chuckled peeling the banana.

I give him a weird look. The twins look at him like he's gone crazy.

"Do you think others can't hear you?", Enzo asked frowning.

Matteo rolled his eyes and began eating his banana.

We soon finished our breakfast and leave for school. Enzo leaves for work.

The entire way from home to school I was wondering about the kiss. Will it be awkward between us now? What if he regretted it?

Ahhh I hate this unsure feeling.

We reach the school soon and I get out and leave towards my locker. I get my books and head towards my first class.

I enter the class and sit down in my chair. None of my friends had arrived yet. Not even Micheal.

I sigh thinking how I'm gonna face him. Well I haven't committed a crime so why the hell am I so nervous?

After sometime my squad comes in talking. They look at me and wave at me. I wave back. They come and sit down in their places.

"Hey Val. How was the weekend?", Kai asked

"Good", I replied.

"Finished the project?", Iris asked

"Yup", I replied

"What's wrong with you?", Ethan asked frowning.

"Nothing", I said

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